
Responses from blackie

need 5 speaker setup; have 1200
Tell your friend to buy on recommendations and to not waste retailers time if he is not planning on purchasing from them. They are not there to let online shoppers help decide what speakers to buy used, they are there to provide service and advise... 
LINN TUKANS=== spiked stand top
Just use blu-tack and skip the spikes, it will sound better and be more stable. 
Power/Integrated Amp and microphones
Go to a local pro audio shop, they have amps/mixers/etc. that will suit your needs. Home audio equipment is not designed for this purpose. 
what cd player to go w/ krell and B&W n 802s
You should listen to the Marantz SA-14. It's quite an impressive player and I think it would match your system well. 
Camelot Technology Lancelot pro
It sounds quite good but it is a little difficult with it's two boxes and tangle of cables. If you can get past the awkwardness of the design you will be pleased with the sound. 
Thoughts on Placette Preamps?
What I meant was that his amps were voiced with a tube preamp in mind so when we tried it with the Placette the small tube amps sounded a little thin and bright. When we replaced it with the warm sounding CJ tube preamp the the tonal balance was m... 
Linn Ikemi or Nu-vista 3d to replace a Linn Genki?
The Ikemi and the 3D are both quite a bit more refined and natural than the Genki but as the question which one to get, try to listen to them head-to-head so you can see which one would work better with your system. You couldn't go wrong with either. 
Upgrading my NAD C340.
You should try the Musical Fidelity A3 or A300 integrated amps. They are quite impressive for the price. 
Does anyone know about Krell preamp circuts?
The single ended inputs have a phase splitter so the input gets turned into a balanced (+phase, -phase & ground) signal for the gain and attenuation circuts. 
Best of Digital receivers under 1000 Bucks
The Marantz SR-7200 has goof Instaneous current output. 
Thoughts on Placette Preamps?
I own the passive line stage ($1400) and it is the best "preamp" I have heard under $4k. I have tried many (Krell KRC-3, Mark Levinson 380, Conrad Johnson PV14, etc.) and this was the only one that didn't muck up the sound in some way. On my 200wp... 
Best power cord to use with a Krell preamp.
Tara Labs The One AC cable works wonders with the KPS-25sc and KCT. 
Unknown pair of Dynaudios
I don't know what Dynaudio drivers they use but I do know they were an older, top of the line model that had a facetted (sp?) cabinet sort of like a pyramid rather then a box. It's hard to describe but if you e-mail Dynaudio I'm sure they would be... 
Are Linn black interconnects any good?
Linn black interconnects are included in the box when you buy a cd player, etc. I got rid of the ones that came with my Genki pretty quickly because I found them to be bright and harsh sounding and lacking in good bass reproduction. The Linn silve... 
Most Analogue-like sounding Player 2k or less
You should also have a listen to the Linn Genki at $1700. Very analog sound for CD.