
Responses from bishopwill

Do power conditioners really help?
I dunno, cfb. I'm rather skeptical of tweaks but it is so easy for me to demonstrate that my Monster 5000 makes a huge difference in video and audio that even the most hardened objectivists end up saying "Yup, yup." I put in my power conditioner f... 
better gear, worse recordings
Thanks to all for a thought provoking thread and especially to Fineberg for a real breath of fresh air. Having begun my chequered career as a symphony and ensemble player, I listened to recordings in the beginning for the absolutely faithful repro... 
Have you ever broken the needle?
In the days when your bishop still used vinyl, his grandmother once snapped off a very expensive cantilever by rubbing her finger over the stylus, "to knock the dust off" before attempting to play one of her Lawrence Welk records.I buried the cart... 
klipsch 4.1 is the best.
Second the motion re the Aego. They actually sound like Bose claims their little ones sound. 
Acoustic treatment for a garage ceiling
Thanks, Bob. I'll suggest that my buddy call a contractor. 
What's inside these aluminum/metal cases?
Yeah, cold solder joints. Obvious ones. I offered to redo them for him but he was so hacked off that he didn't want to touch anything while he pondered his options--of which he finally decided he had none.Thanks re Ellis speakers. I've heard nothi... 
What's inside these aluminum/metal cases?
So what, indeed? A friend and I opened his $10K+ tube amp a while back. I'm not fool enough to post the name of the amp lest angry owners burn my church down. Suffice it to say that this "cost no object, discrete components of the highest quality,... 
Simple all-in-one remote for HT?
It is a shame that you sold your Marantz. Programming is a bit of a challenge and there is some learning curve but if your family had hung in, they'd probably love it by now. I know a couple of families that echoed your experience of feeling reall... 
Need help with a pair of small speakers
Thanks to all. The Ellis speakers are intriguing; I'll have to learn more about them.Alas, they must go slap-dab flat up against the wall. No options there. That would seem to rule out anything rear ported.I'm not so indulgent that I would install... 
Is their any way to keep voltage steady?
One possibility would be to purchase a high-capacity line voltage regulator from a surplus store. These aren't too hard to find and are usually cheap (~100 bux). They will give you excellent voltage regulation, just be sure they have the capacity ... 
Best Place To Buy VMPS New or Used?
Any discounters in the east or southeast? 
Non Audiophiles are funny people
Hey, Albert, wait til you give the guy a demo and he says, "Dude! That's almost as hot as my cuzzin Bubba's Bose system."(Bishop entertains visions of Albert hanging the visitor from the yardarm of his private power pole....) 
Quality of recording vs Musical tastes
This has been a stimulating and provocative thread for me because several posts have prompted me to identify the key variables that determine my satisfaction with recordings. By way of background, though I did work for a couple of years on a "mixi... 
Movie Software make HT a Waste of Resources?
Treyhoss, your observation is right on target. Nanderson has found a bully pulpit, though one wishes he had more to say so that he would not feel compelled to repeat himself quite so often. I have suggested that he "drill down" from his fairly sup... 
7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?
Lmb, you and bomarc restore my faith in the 'gon. When I first became a member of this community, one of its most prolific posters wrote to say that he was by no means sure that I was welcome (in his eyes) because I had dared mention the utility o...