
Responses from bishopwill

What is the right thing here................
Personally, I think you're getting screwed by a jerk but I admire your commitment to taking the high road. I only sell (and, after two horrendous ebay experiences, only buy) within driving distance. My sales are always "as is, where is" and the bu... 
An unscientific poll: How often are you happy?
I'd have to say that my happiness is near 100%. I can't imagine spending all that money if it were a lot lower. That's not to say that I don't constantly hear things that I'd like to change or improve, only that my system is now at the point that ... 
how many have a WAF?
Before taking the veil and joining the ranks of the nouveau pauvre, your prelate was married for 19 years to a woman with a fondness for imported horses and dressage riding. Yet she gave me hell over every new audio purchase. That is, until the da... 
what will make the greatest differance in sound.
I always argue that speakers make the greatest difference in sound. That does not mean that you should go right out and buy new reproducers. You need to discover within yourself the kind of sound that you like. Do you want a warm, enveloping sound... 
Deciding on the right huge speaker
Kudos to Audiokinesis for some of the best practical advice I've seen posted here on the topic of selecting speakers. I was delighted to read his "tests" because they are very similar to the procedures I've worked out in my own experience for eval... 
Have you tried "doping" your speaker cones?
No need to apologize, Herman. If I had a nickel for every bit of misinformation I passed along I could buy a set of speakers like Albert has.... 
Pick your favorite, and tell me why...
Always happy to oblige, Mike. 
VISATON's MONITOR 890 MK11:world's "best" monitor?
Ouch, Zaikesman! :)I'm a graduate of the CIA (the one in Hyde Park, not the one in McClean) and lemme tell ya, presentation AIN'T everything.will (bishop, psychotherapist, gourmand, musician, and audiophile-who-doesn't-take-himself-too-seriously) 
Pick your favorite, and tell me why...
QUESTION: What's the difference between a saxophone and a lawn mower?ANSWER: Vibrato.QUESTION: What's the definition of a gentleman?ANSWER: Someone who can play the saxophone....and doesn't! 
Battle of the "Davids"......Belles vs. Berning
I have used the Belles for quite some time and am totally pleased with it. No desire to change. And I use fairly demanding speakers that are likely to reveal amplifier flaws.Have not heard the Berning so I make no attempt at comparison.will 
Opinions on the Bose 901
Albert, we're dyin here. (GRIN) 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
A. 1999 Isuzu AmigoB. No plans to upgrade in foreseeable futureC. AMC Hummer 
Opinions on the Bose 901
Psychicanimal, I once owned a pair of 901s and, while I wouldn't choose them today, I enjoyed them immensely at the time. Anyone remember when all the craze was to hang them from the ceiling on chains?Anyway, I should think they will work quite we... 
Whats the deal with CD players?
I'll just second what Bomarc said about twenty posts back: There are plenty of card-carrying audiophiles with demonstrated good ears who think that all CD players sound pretty much alike. Those same folk may argue passionately that interconnects m... 
Anybody Tried this Room Correction Program?
The sincaudio site is pretty sparse in its detail. What the heck do you do, run the pre-outs into your PC soundcard and then out of the soundcard and into your amps? I'm confused.And could sound cards possibly have advanced to the point that they ...