
Responses from bill_k

Help me decide – Revel or Focal
I haven't heard the Revels but did audition the Sopra 2 speakers. I would describe their sound as being very impressive, with outstanding extension, dynamics and imaging. What I didn't like was that I found them to be a bit analytical in their ove... 
Esoteric K-03 X - mechanical problems w tray
While it may have taken longer than you'd like, you're ending up getting a new unit which is what you wanted. Dealing with large companies often requires the involvement and decision making from many levels to get the needed approvals for somethin... 
What Did I Do Wrong?
Further comments found on EL34 vs. EL34B comparison: "The Tung-Sol EL34B's have tremendous bass presence compared to the stock EL34. They were noticeably different in the way they sounded. The Tung-Sol EL34'B had better, fuller, brighter, and all ... 
What Did I Do Wrong?
Joe - From's page for the Tung-Sol EL34B - "When driven into distortion it starts off a bit crunchy like a 6L6 but as you push it, the sound blooms into that singing EL34 tone with great sustain and modest compression." From the m... 
Hear sibilance on Krall, Famous Blue, D. Fagen?
Please don't take any offense since that is not my intention, but I'm afraid that you're hearing the limitations of your digital source components. I have tried for many years to eliminate such sounds from digital playback and unfortunately it's v... 
Hear sibilance on Krall, Famous Blue, D. Fagen?
Might be helpful to know whether this issue is source specific (i.e. CD, digital files, or vinyl only) or common to all sources. 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
Branislav - you might think it would but it doesn't. That was Dynaudio's top of the line model, and the inverted driver configuration is an integral part of the design. Instead of time aligning the drivers by positioning them in a physically stepp... 
Digital-input amplifiers
NAD offers something close to that in their "Direct Digital Amplifiers". They have several models using this approach - C-390DD, D-7050, and their top model M2. They accept direct digital PCM inputs, and convert the digital signal into PWM which i... 
Magnepan 3.7i vs Goldenear Triton one
Good choice Taters, my taste agrees with yours. 
Magnepan 3.7i vs Goldenear Triton one
I haven't heard them both in the same system, so I wouldn't speculate as to which is 'better'. I would say that these two speaker designs are so different sounding from each other, that after a listen to them even in different systems it should be... 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Thanks for your response, Sabai. That's very respectable of you to so fairly qualify your DAC comparisons. 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Sabai - Have you actually heard the Berkeley Reference and compared it to the DS/Yale DAC, or is that just conjecture? TIA 
A visit to the 2015 California Audio Show
Dweller - I don't think so. The LG wires used mu-metal conductors as you stated, while the High Fidelity cables use actual magnets incorporated in the conductive path of the cables. I'm not an expert on magnetics but I think that there are differe... 
Which cartridge in a Nottingham Analogue?
The Nottingham Interspace tonearm has an effective mass of 11.25 grams. That happens to be the same as the Rega RB-250 for those that may have recommendations with that very popular arm. 
tonearm cable vs regular IC + ground wire
A separate ground wire is not always needed. Try it with or without and go with whichever results in less (or hopefully no) hum.