
Responses from bill_k

$15,000 Speaker Does Not List Freq Response Specs
Excellent point made above by Douglas Schroeder! 
IMHO, the two speakers you're considering are comparatively very different sounding, so I would think that selecting the one which you prefer would far outweigh any potential matching issues with the Dags which can drive most anything. 
Preamp for Dan D'Agostino Momentum monoblock amps
I got the 1MOhm input impedance spec directly from the manufacturer's website, and thought they should know. 
Preamp for Dan D'Agostino Momentum monoblock amps
I haven't tried the combination myself, but since the amps have an extremely high input impedance of 1MOhm there shouldn't be any matching compatibility issues. 
$15,000 Speaker Does Not List Freq Response Specs
Mitch - That's what I told you in a previous post regarding their evaluation and return policy. So, what's your opinion on how they sound??? Please share your thoughts, TIA. 
Esoteric or CEC cd-transport
Congrats on getting the CEC transport! They have a very engaging, smooth and effortless sound. Since they're a belt drive design they may require some service over the years, but are much better sounding in my opinion as a transport compared to th... 
New Bel Canto REF600M using NCORE
Mark - thanks very much for sharing your impressions! The Joseph Audio Pulsars are definitely outstanding speakers. 
$15,000 Speaker Does Not List Freq Response Specs
Mitch - I believe that Carver sells them direct with a money back trial period, but you'd have to pay for them upfront. 
trying to reach Art Audio..... are they gone ?
Art Audio's UK website shows Hudson Audio Imports as the current US distributor. Their contact info is on the linked page. Joe Fratus is apparently no longer involved with Art Audio. 
Whats wrong
If it's the PBN shown in your system listing, I'd suggest contacting them directly. Peter provides excellent support for his products and values his customers. 
$15,000 Speaker Does Not List Freq Response Specs
This speaker was just reviewed by The Absolute Sound in the October 2015 issue. They list the frequency response as being from "18Hz to beyond audibility (main speakers to 80kHz)". Of course the low frequency limit includes the powered subwoofer a... 
On the TV show "The Good Wife" which I watched ton
According to Agape126 above they are Vandersteen Treo speakers. 
Harbeth vs JM Reynaud
I don't understand all the raves about Harbeth. I've auditioned the 30's myself at a Harbeth dealer and found the bass to be very heavy and plodding, completely out of balance with the overall sound. When I mentioned my impressions to the salesper... 
New Bel Canto REF600M using NCORE
Mark - Would you please share what speakers you're using and what other amps you've compared them to. TIA! 
With $20,000 in your hand, what speaker would you
FYI - That 2013 sale of Bob Carver Corp. to 'Emotiva' was negated after a few months, so it is now back under Bob's ownership.