
Responses from bigkidz

Jazz vocalists which may not be as real as we think/imagine
Why would you use any of her recordings to test anything.  Find some good test CDs and use those instead. 
I sold a CAL Aria Tube CD player and buyer claims a burning smell
Take the unit back, you probably did not sell it for enough money that it makes a difference.  You can have the person send it to me for a look and repair as an option.  I can take a look and give you a repair estimate.  Or just take it back and l... 
Are MULLARD NOS EL34s and LTA ZOTL40 REF worth the price of admission?
Sometimes you have to adjust the bias to work with the new tubes.  That makes them sound as close to NOS tubes without the high prices.  Changing a cap or two can even take you past the NOS tube sound.HappyListening. 
Speaker shootout update; aggressive treble eliminating some (fairly?)
Not sure what equipment you are using but IMO that is where the brightness is coming from.  The speakers are just reproducing what they are being feed upstream.  Forget the cables and room treatments, they may be a small part of the problem but if... 
All New Pure Audio ONE Integrated Amp Reviewed!
The review mentions first watt which to me is nothing special at all.  We built a clone of a first watt which easily sounded much better.  100WPC class A is easy to make but difficult to sound great.  I don't see the inside so hard to tell how the... 
Subwoofer. Great one song. Not so great the next song.
The sub is actually not for bass but the mid-range.  It relaxes the mids so there is better sound, details and more accurate.  If you re trying to improve the bass response for your speakers it actually is not the best way to do it.Happy Listening. 
Who's good at appraising stereo equipment?
Perotta Consulting 
best used floorstanding speakers under 5k that has small footprint
Spatial Audio are nice sounding speakers, Vandersteen Quattros and 5s are smallish footprints, so are Verity Audio and Nola speakers especially with the Alnico drivers. 
Alternatives to Brick and Mortar
Interesting post.  I spoke about this with VPI a number of months ago and his advise to me was to sell direct for various reasons.  I have always told my partner that we had to build something that when it was listened to, there was no doubt that ... 
Any thoughts on Denafrips Terminator Plus
While I build and prefer R2R discrete DACs, the notion that they sound better than other implementations is subjective.  Each offers sounding that the other does not offer in sound quality.  Words like state of the art, big bold, are not helpful u... 
Threshold, Levinson, Bryston, Krell, ?others? used amps
Of everything mentioned above, I would only consider the Krell.  I have heard most of them except the new Bryson amps but was never impressed by their products (MO).  Others to consider in the 200wpc range that are bang for the buck:  Counterpoint... 
Solid states more accurate than tubes?
Again, it is all about the design.  Have you heard a 101D DHT tube sound?  I find SS has a sorter decay so piano never sound correct to my ears but again it depends on the amp design. 
Why perfect speakers dont exist the truth revealed
How would anyone know if they are the perfect speakers if they have not been built?  All the science is not proven right?  How would they sound?  So unless there is something that we can hear, then this is all science and guess work.  In building ... 
Alternatives To Power Conditioning In A Revamped System
Install AC filter chokes to each component and be done with this. 
LP - first needle drop or 2nd or 3rd??
An LP can only endure so much depending how the material and how it was recorded.  Gary from Genesis Speakers did a demo and he had special recordings made that could only be played around ten times before he said the sound would degrade.  Go figure.