
Responses from bigkidz

What have you been working on in 2020?
Built two pure Class A power amps, built a state of the art tube hybrid power amp, redesigned our preamp making it sound even better than before, experimented with capacitors and resistors in critical places.  Repaired at least 50 pieces of audio ... 
Concrete Audio Speakers...Speaker Enclosures made out of Concrete ?..
So if I design a piece of junk speaker but enclose it in concrete what will make it sound better?  Lets  
Should a reference speaker be neutral, or just great sounding?
How do you define neutral?  How do you rally know if what you think is neutral really is neutral?  What exactly is neutral.  What is great sounding?  How do you know if what you are hearing is because of the speaker or another piece of equipment? ... 
Preamp under $2,000.
Old Counterpoint or DeHavilland and sent it to me for upgrades.Happy Listening 
I think some cables are just a little too expensive.
Thanks for the link, I just purchased two!  My wife is going to hate me now. 
Single driver vs traditional 3 way loudspeakers
Just go hear s field cool design.  Then you'll be hooked. Happy listening 
Need preamp recommendation
Buy either a deHavilland or a counterpoint and send it to me for upgrades. Best you'll ever hear when I'm done. Happy listening 
Why the truth is not in them ??
Also state your return policy if you want to offer one.  Funny thing is I offered a guy who was unsatisfied with a pair of speakers he purchased form me after seven months to return them no questions asked after he felt I was nit honest with hm.  ... 
Why are there so many wooden speakers?
This statement is completely false."The problem with a wooden box is that no matter what crossover or drivers you use, it will still sound like a wooden box."A good amp can take the soundstage way out of the box. We have proved this over and over ... 
Looking to improve my system
Before you go off changing everything like wires, components you can easily have them upgraded with better parts that will take them to another level.  Think Shinkoh & Audio Note resistors, AC filter choke, Nichicon and V-Caps.  Why would I sa... 
I'm Goin' Home
While I also love me some Alvin Lee guitar playing and that was one of the best songs to learn to play with his signature guitar solo, Space in Time was a HS favorite, the band was fun but not long lasting.Happy Listening. 
Reliability of brand
Are you buying a preamp based on service/reliability or sound quality.  All of the preamps above have circuit boards.  If you are a long term owner, to me that is an issue.  I repair so many items for several reasons, the design has flaws, the par... 
Why the truth is not in them ??
BUT you have not sold the item until you have received the payment. So always say that you will hold the item for X days until you receive the payment, If I do not receive the payment the item will be sold to the next person who was interested in ... 
Do Audiophile Cables Matter? Here's PROOF!
OK so?  They may sound better or worse but how much improvement in sound or where are there improvements and how much do they cost?  Again for the 1000th time, caps, resistors AC filter chokes at 100th the price.Happy Listening. 
New Turntable Direction
Time to upgrade the phono or buy better one.