
Responses from bigkidz

Member Almarg passed away last night
It is with the deepest sympathy that I write this message to Almarg's family.  I know how hard it is to lose a loved one.  Find strength in one another and surround yourself with dear friends. Remember all of the good times in your mind and in you... 
Shootout of Nos 6sn7 tubes
for the price of these tubes they offered a more tube sound than the new JJ Tesla 6SN7 tubes I was using.  More musical, more dimension, a nicer more relaxed sound in direct comparison in the preamp.  Have not tried them in my hybrid tube power am... 
What makes a DAC so expensive?
Chassis, parts used, build design, etc.  Most DACs are of similiar design using a circuit board, chip set, cheap resistors and capacitors.  If you are paying $3K or more for something you should know what does into it.Happy Listening. 
For anyone who moved from tubes to solid state — a question
This IMO is a general question as it does not apply to all amps SS or Tubes.  My old Lafayette tube amp will probably out perform most SS amps. My Class A amp sounds different and each has advantages the other does not.  I prefer this tube amp mys... 
What other hobby...
Women period. 
500 albums in a basement flood--worth saving?
Contact Michael Fremer and ask for his advice. 
Tubed Preamp recommendations?
there are only two tube preamps that I have heard, repaired and upgraded that I would recommend.  Counterpoint and the DeHavilland.  But you would have to send them to me to upgrade with better parts quality.Happy Listening. 
Margin on speaker sales by high end dealer
they are not making enough to get rich that is for sure! 
My pet peeve: "revealing" speakers
is it the speakers that are revealing or the recording or the upstream components? 
High Performance Audio - The End?
there is a balance between resolution and musical.  A designer has to use his ears and the parts necessary to achieve those results.Happy Listening 
Analog or Digital and why?
I am only digital but we build our own components.  The phono stage ($15,000) beats the crap out of any digital we have built or heard period.  Not even close but our digital ($10,000) beats the crap out of most analog systems.  So IMO in comes do... 
Shipping. Hard Lesson.
Same goes for my FedEx recent delivery  Claim was for $200 for a remote control that was damaged.  They paid me $100 saying that was its worth, well yes but the shipping and tax from overseas put it at $200.  So I cannot replace the remote for $10... 
Cable comparison charts?
Just call themProblem solved 
Speaker Sampler Platter
Under $1000 but a pair of Alon speakers.  Just find a pair in your price range. 
700.00 speakers new or used
simple  KEF 104.2 speakers  probably find them in the $400-$500 rangeHappy Listening