Responses from bdp24
Again the topic of weight of amps Since he likes nicknames so much Tim, turnabout is fair play ;-) . | |
Whats playing on your system today? Uncle Tupelo and The Replacements, the two most influential bands of their generation. Tupelo, like Big Star and The Jayhawks, had two songwriter/singers who each needed their own band. For some reason Lennon & McCartney could mind-meld where ... | |
Classical Music for Aficionados So true, @schubert. For the most mind-blowing counterpoint you've ever heard, give a listen to JSB's Concerto For 4 Harpsichords And Orchestra. Don't listen while operating heavy machinery, as you WILL get high. | |
Again the topic of weight of amps Both Tim deParavicini and Roger Modjeski are students of transformer design, a dying art. And both are, though as audiophile-centric as any other designers out there, old school in many ways (the higher the measured distortion, output impedance, p... | |
Again the topic of weight of amps Yes Tim, the Paravicini transformer/bass quote was from quite a while ago. I heard it second-hand from Roger Modjeski (who said he didn’t completely agree with Tim P on that subject), and I think it was said to make a point, not to be taken litera... | |
Bits bits bits from Upscale Audio The PS Audio Copper electronic mag is really great, well worth your time. Great subjects and writers. | |
Great sounding/recorded albums Depends on whom you're trying to impress, after all. Impressing a non-audiophile doesn't take much ;-) . Give 'em a buncha bass at concert-level SPL and they'll cream their jeans. | |
Great sounding/recorded albums As roberjerman suggests, a direct-to-disk LP. Once you've heard one, everything else sounds veiled, compressed, and lifeless. Sheffield made a bunch of them, both Pop and Classical. There are other d-2-d labels, but the Sheffields are easier to fi... | |
Anyone use auto lifters? Opinions There are two versions of The Lift (a product from Express Machining in San Jose, the guy who makes the Rega upgrade parts) listed on USAM right now, one chrome one black. | |
Again the topic of weight of amps Tim deParavicini of EAR-Yoshino says he can predict the bass sound an amplifier produces by looking at the size of it’s transformers. Transformer design is an art, requiring a compromise between various considerations. Too small and the bass suffe... | |
Again the topic of weight of amps The Music Reference RM-200 Mk.2 is slightly over 40 lbs. unboxed, and is an excellent tube amp for low impedance loudspeakers. It puts out 100w/ch at both 8 and 4 ohms. | |
Magnepans or...Martin Logan Eminent Technology LFT-8b. Superior to the Magnepan MG1.7i. $2499 US. | |
Does anyone know the bias on a VTL 225 with KT90 tubes in them? Why not put in a call to VTL? | |
Again the topic of weight of amps @pehare, thanks for bringing the RM-10 to my attention. I check the new listings everyday, but somehow missed it on Saturday. It's 25/35w/ch (there are two versions of it) might not be enough for the OP's speaker demands, but it's THE amp for the ... | |
How many turntable’s have you owned? Yeah @bpoletti, those VPI cone feet are couplers (all cones are), and who wants to couple the plinth of their suspension-less table to its’ support structure?! I’ve just installed a set of Townshend Seismic Pods under both my Aries and Townshend R... |