
Responses from bdgregory

Anywhere to sell speaker parts??
I've shopped for and bought speaker parts on eBay. There's a fair amount of them that move there. That's where I would sell them were it me.You may also get some interest here on A'gon, or, or Audio Asylum. 
Advice for Building a turntable
if you haven't already you should check out the forums on There's one whole forum dedicated to Analog projects, and many DIY tables. 
best speaker in a small room in the $2000.00 range
Totem Sttaf, excellent in that size of room, and nice small footprint, yet good bass extension. They will occupy less space than any stand mount monitor you can find to come close. 
Any advantage to using monobloc amps
This is far from objective analysis, but since I purchased my first set of B&K M200 monoblocks, I've yet to find a stereo amp that can touch them . . . and the unit's I've compared to cost me anywhere from 1.5 - 2 times as much as I paid for t... 
Building a temporary wall
I agree with Sogood51. It's a 1 day job. 
Optimizing my CD Source - what to do?
thanks to everyone for the input. I guess my tentative conclusions so far are:1) Spending ~ $1500 on a top level cd player won't improve on my AM DAC performance2) Seeking out a good dedicated transport, or CD that can perform as a good transport ... 
RCA cleaners
What cleaning fluid to you guys use for RCA's? I heard rubbing alcohol (can't remember where though) works well. I was trying Deoxit. Anyone have good or bad experience with any fluid in particular?BTW, the deoxit clings nicely to the Fatwire tool... 
Any Tool fans out there.
I think Tool is one of the most original bands today. I have "Undertow" and "Lateralus". Both are excellent. I also have A Perfect Circle - "Mer de Noms", which I like a lot, but I agree with Boa2 - they're too rote. They are none the less a good ... 
Home theater furniture - husband vs. wife
I would put the HCA2200 on and amp stand on the floor. It really needs the open air. If you do that, maybe get a something from Pottery Barn for the other stuff. 
IEC to a 2 prong-wire amp
if you're referring to polarity, it's likely that the IEC will indicate "N" for nuetral; "L" for live, "E" for "earth" , or something similar. I'm looking at one now and that's how it's marked. If it's not, the Live pin is on the left side if you'... 
Are there any budget tubed preamps that stand out
Dared SL2000a. You should be able to find one used for ~$300. The one limitation is 2 inputs line stage only. OTOH it has remote volume control. 
How to get 2 Channel and Home theater in one packa
The 5800 (or similar receiver) is a perfectly legitimate option; however, it depends on what you're after. If you want to optimize 2 channel listening, there's no way a receiver will do that. I don't have to imagine it, I tried it, for some time, ... 
IEC to a 2 prong-wire amp
I've also done this. The only difference from what Albert said is I bought a nibbler tool from Radio Shack (I think they're about $10). It "nibbles" out chunks of sheet metal - one at a time that are approx 1/16"x 1/4". Since I centered the IEC re... 
RCA cleaners
My Signet RCA cleaners were delivered today. They're molded from what looks like is recycled plastic. One end is male to clean RCA jacks, the other female to clean interconnects. The instructions say they may be used dry or with solution. I ran on... 
bullet-proof, great sounding Intrateds - used
thanks for the add'l thoughts . . . very helpful direction for my search. Viridian, sadly I had no money on Bluegrass Cat. On the other hand, I keep a separate and well funded budget for drugs, sex, and gambling, so I think I'll be ok!