
Responses from bdgregory

B&K Reference 4430 3-channel
check all of the fuses. You'll need to open it up and find the fuses that are installed on the driver board. I've had this issue with one of my B&K amps and it turned out I had a blown fuse on the driver the process, you may want to g... 
Next Upgrade to My Totem Arros Setup - Need Help
Does SONY CDP/DVDp work with warm tubed integrateds like Primalula Prologue 2 ? I heard people saying SONYs sound cooler and may not work well if someone is looking for warm and sweet sounding mid-range and vocals.I run a tube preamp with ss amps ... 
Next Upgrade to My Totem Arros Setup - Need Help
IMHO your best option by far is to add a subwoofer. Either of the Rel subs will integrate nicely with your Arros. I have a Rel Storm III and used it for as while with Totem Sttafs - the result was an entirely different listening experience.While I... 
Suggestions for an affordable pre/pro
I'd suggest considering a Lexicon DC-1 (with version 4.0 firmware). I've seen them for  
Cowboy Junkies: Lay It Down fav cd?
I have most of their releases and "Lay it Down" is my favorite. "One Soul Now" isn't far behind. "Trinity Sessions" (Original and Revisited) is up there too. Actually, I haven't heard anything they've done that I don't like a lot. 
cardas din tonearm connector pin configuration 
Homemade Nitty Gritty Formula
Here's a bunch of RC Fluid Recipes in addition to some good tips. I've used a couple of them, with great results. 
cheap tweak for glass platter 'tables
pre-made mats from that material have been for sale on ebay for a long time. I always wondered if they're any good. 
Pictures, More Pictures
Here's my view - If I'm selling a hi$ component, and a prospective buyer requests more pictures, or asks nitty questions, I don't think for a nanosecond about whether to comply. It takes at most 10 min to take shots from multiple angles and upload... 
Pictures, More Pictures
You're selling gear for ~$5000 and more - I would want to see multiple views with hi-res before I decided to drop that amount of cash. I also think the requests are reasonable.As a seller, I prefer to send off all of the hi res pics I can - as it ... 
Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's
Hey...I am amazed that any tube amp can do them justice, because of the enormous power needed to drive the deadly combination of 3-4 ohm/83db efficiency issue.I thought this too until I plugged my Manis into my Tad 60 tube amp. In addition, I had ... 
the best music dvd video??
here's some new ones I like:Cowboy Junkies "Trinity Revisited"Clapton, et al "Crossroads Guitar Festival 2007". 
Amp upgrade question
what speakers are you driving? Have you tried simply using the 2500A by itself in biwire? with the juice it has I'd expect it to do better full range than the biamp arrangement you currently have. At one time I used dual CJ MF2100s vertically biam... 
will grado hum?
I have a Grado Ref Sonata, have never used it on an Alphason, or any S shaped arm, but I did have a hum problem when I was using it on a Heybrook Turntable. The problem only occurred when the cartridge approached the center (ie end) of the LP whic... 
Michell clamp too tight for Spacedeck?
Why would anyone use clamp?I read that audiophiles experiment with different mats in hopes of decoupling a record form the platter and dampening the resonance/ vibration in the record. when I bought the Funk Achromat, I found I preferred the soun...