
Responses from audiozen

Difference in quality in products made in China?
Rodmann99999...I clicked on the link you posted to the toxic chemical found in syrup in China known as Diethylene Glycol. This chemical has also been showing up in Audio components manufactured in China such as Preamps. Extensive investigation by ... 
Why does most new music suck? what's your point? 
Darwin silver IC's or Cabledyne silver IC's?
TheXhadow has a outer and inner barrel. The outer barrel sleeve is aluminum. The inner barrel is solid copper plated with silver. 
Darwin silver IC's or Cabledyne silver IC's?
The contact surface is all that matter's which is silver and copper. A very good quality connector. 
Why does most new music suck?
The major reason's for the decline of music quality is poor education in the school systems. Back in the 60's and early 70's High School Students were required to take Music education classes which taught music theory and the history of music such... 
Darwin silver IC's or Cabledyne silver IC's?
Not true Nonoise..the Xhadow connector sold by Cabledyne are solid copper plated with silver. 
Top Ten Speakers of All Time?
Top ten of all time? Thats a tough one depending what decade your referring to. However..the largest selling speaker of all time that would make them #1 in global sales is the large Advent. In 1976 one out of four speakers sold worldwide were Adve... 
Upgrade from Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE
Has anyone taken the plunge and purchased the STP-SE Preamp with the Level-2 upgrade from Underwood Hi-Fi? Wally at Underwood informed me recently that the Level 2 upgrade done by former Sonic Frontier's engineer Chris Johnson puts the STP-SE on t... 
Darwin silver IC's or Cabledyne silver IC's?
Reading the technical make up this morning on the Darwin and Cabledyne, shows their design's are very similar. The Darwin IC's use solid core circular wire running through an air tube. Cabledyne uses a solid core square wire running through an air... 
Marantz SA-15S2b, thoughts & opinions
Nonoise..Since your now using the Darwin silver IC's that Andre holds in high regard, I'm considering jumping on the IC silver bandwagon. I'm undecided between Darwin and Cabledyne. Darwin uses a solid core circular wire through a hollow air tube ... 
"Best" 80's HiFi System
Accuphase P-266 Preamp and C-222 amplifier with ADS L780Speakers. 
The best classic reel to reel tape recorders
The best reel to reel's back in the late 60's and 70's weredeck's from Roberts, Akai, Sony and TEAC. These four were considered the very best from that time period. 
Marantz SA-15S2b, thoughts & opinions
Nonoise, if your seriously considering going with a all in one integrated unit then you should seriously check out theCODA CSIb built in Sacramento. I have owned CODA gear in the past. Very smooth refined sound with outstanding detailand transpare... 
Best for under $5,000.00
A wise choice would be the CODA CSIb integrated currently listed on Gon for $4300.00. Built like a Rolls Royce and completely made in Sacramento. Considered the most powerfulintegrated on the market. Peaks at 300 amperes from both channels. Tremen... 
What's with 4 ohm speakers?
I was incorrect on the RAAL ribbon's. They are all 8ohm impedance. ScanSpeak has 36 different tweeter model's in production. 23 of those models have 4ohm impedance. Vifa currently has 18 tweeter model's that have 4ohm impedance.