
Responses from audiozen

Your First System
1977..Large pair of walnut Advents..Sansui AU-7900 intergrated..75 watts into 8ohms..Dual 701 turntable with Shure V15 cartridge.. 
What's with 4 ohm speakers?
Whats' with 4 ohm speaker's? Its the damn drivers. Many of the tweeter's on the market from RAAL, ScanSpeak and other's have a 4 ohm impedance. 
Adcom GFA-5802 -vs- Parasound HCA-3500 Amps?
Liquid-smooth..."Parasound amps tend to break down quite a bit" completely false..having owned two Parasound ampsand three Parsound Preamps during the past 23 year's I found their gear to be the most reliable and stable high end budget compon... 
Most achingly-beautiful music movement of the Choral Fantasy.. 
Best value in speaker cables??
Cabledyne, Audio Art Cable, and Morrow Audio... 
Esoteric K-03 or K-01 could be the Marantz you listened to had the filter's set to create a thicker sound. As I indicated, the SA-11S3 has filter settings like the Esoteric to vary the sonic character to sound thick and laid back or very open and neutral wit... 
Esoteric K-03 or K-01
I find it interesting that all the post's I've read on the K-01 and the K-03 during the past year not once anywhere has anyone stated the Esoteric model's have a very organicanalogue quality and sound like vinyl. I have listened to previous Esoter... 
Which headphones??
Other headphones from KOSS to consider..but it will cost you. The STRIVA PRO. World's first professional WI-FI headphones with AC adapter. Cost is $450.00 The other set is the KOSS ESP Electrostatics. With large power supply/drive unit with A.C. a... 
Which headphones??
Correction..the Koss model is the PRO4AA... 
Which headphones??
The most popular and best selling headphone's during the 1970's were the Koss PRO4AAA's. Koss in recent years has resurrected the PRO4AAA due to demand. They are addictive. Very rich, lush, smooth organic character. Ever time I used them in the la... 
Accuphase or Esoteric?
Here is what makes the Marantz SA-11S3 a force to be reckoned with. It uses the best DAC chip ever in any Marantz player to date and is only used in the SA-11S3. The Burr-Brown DSD 1792A D/A chip which has seven times more current output over any ... 
Best drink while listening to your rig?
Absinthe..the really good stuff with the higher percentage of thujone. 
Best speaker for under 2gs
Best speaker under $2K?..Thats easy. The remarkable Polk LSIM 703. $1500.00 a pair. Powerful bass. Go down to 36Hz.State of the art drivers and excellent crossover. Very rich, very smooth. Outstanding detail and transparency. A bookshelf speaker t... 
Difference in quality in products made in China?
Additional info..KEF speakers is owned by a Chinese Company, GP Acoustics, based in Hong Kong. KEF's top line speakers are made in the U.K. but their mid and low line speakers are made in China. GP Acoustics also owns Arcam and Celestion. 
Does music from your stereo startle you?
Music from my stereo system does not startle wife startle's me when she comes home unexpected and finds me in bed with another woman.