
Responses from audiozen

Esoteric K01: What are the best settings for CD?
Are you serious? it that difficult to push buttons and and select filter settings and listen to your speakers'sand make a choice?..Really!! 
Searching for preamp upgrade
Sell your Oppo and buy the new Cambridge Audio 752BD universal player. It use's five Wolfson DAC'S which are known for their warm rich, musical performance and are superior to the Oppo ESS Sabre32 DAC'S used in their audio output. The Wolfson DAC'... 
Difference in quality in products made in China?
I neglected to include that 70% of all Luxman products are now made in China by IAG, which also own's Luxman. Other companie's that are now owned by IAG who manufacture's their product's is Wharfedale, Quad, Mission and Castle Speaker's as well as... 
Difference in quality in products made in China? most are aware nowaday's, all laptop and desktop computer's are made in China, a market that China has taken away from Japan during the past seven year's. Japan still hold's strong in the Chip market, high end audio and television's, but ... 
Difference in quality in products made in China?
Parasound was the first American company in the early 80'sto manufacture offshore in Asia. Their products have been manufactured in Taiwan for over thirty years. The biggest company in China that provides OEM services for Audio companies in Europe... 
Accuphase or Esoteric?
Forget the Accuphase and Esoteric if your worried about cost. The new Marantz Reference SA-11S3 for $4K will get you all the high end performance you could ever want from a digital player. Has the warmth and smoothness of the Accuphase and all the... 
Speaker grills on or off?
Grill's on or off? It boils down to how the designer miked the speaker in a anechoic chamber to achieve a perfectly flat response. Some designer's will mike and adjust the crossover with the grills on and some with the grills off.Call the speaker ... 
Spectron Musician III MK.2 or Audio Research DS450
Miguel..I have owned BAT gear back in 2001 and had problems with the equipment. Sold my BAT gear three months later. The company was having hard times recently and was just purchased by Music Direct. Regarding CODA. One of my top favorite solid st... 
Does Mc Intosh make reference gear
No..Al Gore is not a McIntosh fan. Ever since Al sold Current to Al Jazerra Network,..(ya know..that friendly terrorist news organization that sent over the internet encrypted codes from their news site to the terrorist's who brought down the Worl... 
Does Mc Intosh make reference gear
Yep..Al Gore cleared the way for Spectron and got their patents approved for the first Class D amp in 1974. 
Boulder has full page ad in Du-pont registry
Of course I am! 
Does Mc Intosh make reference gear
Disagree. Having bought my first system in the mid 70's and circulated the high end stores in my town constantly during that time, there was no sign of British products standing out and above American products in the stores.During the mid and late... 
Spectron Musician III MK.2 or Audio Research DS450
Miguel..there is an option that I would highly recommend you take advantage of or it will probably be gone in several days. Up for sale on Audiogon is perhaps one of the top three performing integrated amplifier's on the planet. The CODA CSIb. Ver... 
Boulder has full page ad in Du-pont registry
Boulder also has a pictured ad on the back of a Grey Pouponjar. 
Does Mc Intosh make reference gear
Csontos.."The British Invasion of the 70's is when actual high end distinguished itself"..if your referring too British high end audio influencing America in the 70's then your way off the mark. It's the British who copied us.Who invented the worl...