
Responses from audiozen

D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
A recent phone conversation with Dennis Deacon at D-Sonic, he mentioned the M2 and M3 series top models use the same amps. Based on recent interior pics I came across, the M3 600M mono blocks are using Abletec amps and the M3 1500M mono blocks are... 
Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps
Well...heck..exploring further on Class D Audio comes up more negative than positive. On one forum I read that a customer purchased a Class D amp and the packaging was terrible. The amp was thrown in a carton with nothing more than styrofoam chips... 
Not from Underwood Wally. Different and better upgrade than the one done for Underwood by Chris Johnson. I think the motive here is that during the past six months or so Underwood provided the upgrades without EJ's blessing. Wyred wants to take ad... 
Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps
Izora..if you buy the Class D Audio SDS-470C and like to drive an amp hard, Tom recommends a power supply upgrade for $60.00 which would take you from 28K microfarads to 60K microfarads. The larger power supply upgrade consists of six caps at 10K ... 
Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps
Izora..I worked in retail for several years back in the 80's and in 2005 started a high end retail business that had a short life since my silent JV partner in Oregon was hit hard with his wife coming down with Cancer. She never recovered and he p... 
Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps
Correction..The SMPS1200 is the power supply, not the NC1200 which is the switching module. 
Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps
Bruno's Ncore NC1200 power module has a very low distortion rate, one of the lowest in the industry for Class D. There's a HD video that was just uploaded recently on Youtube of the Merrill Veritas amps at $12K a pair using the Ncore NC1200 and th... 
Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps
Izora..don't let higher prices trick you into believing you will get better sound. Thats walking into fools gold territory. There are testimonials from over forty customers on the Class D Audio website who have purchased their amps and the one thi... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Typo.."so many complaints"... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Class D trivia..the world's first commercial manufactured Class D amp was from Sinclair Radionics in England in 1964. It was rated at 10 watts per channel but put out a lower number than the specs indicated. British magazine Wireless World had a a... 
Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps
Izora..I got an email today from Tom at Class D Audio regarding to know the input impedance of the SDS 470 which is 45Kohms, and the gain, which is adjustable on the back for each channel which can be set up to 34db's which makes it easier to matc... 
Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps
I am stumped..having over looked Class D Audio in recent months I decided last evening to read reviews of their SDS-470C amp on blogs and forums of consumers who recently purchased the amp and the one positive issue that keeps coming up is that it... 
Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps
Having had extended conversations with Dusty Vawter of Channel Islands during the past three years, and receiving emails from him of the interior of the D-500 MKII, he has applied major upgrades to the D-500 MKII by adding a large power supply and... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Mapman..just a motivated consumer. I have always been intriqued by the 90% efficiency of Class D amps compared to 50% efficiency of a/ab amps that send a lot of wasted energy to the heat sinks. In 1958 there was testing done with pulse switching d... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Thanks for correcting me mistake..I'm aware of the 525 being bridgeable since last winter and was thinking of it as a mono amp. Also, I was incorrect on the 125, just spoke to Brandon at Rowland and the 125 is using the latest generatio...