
Responses from audiokinesis

Sealing ported enclosure to reduce boom
An in-between solution would be to change the port dimensions and thereby lower the tuning frequency. If you make the port longer, or narrower, the tuning frequency will be lowered and the bass will start to roll off higher up and more gradually. ... 
How many 'listen outside of the box' design?
While not "boxless" in the literal sense of the word, omni-directional and poly-directional designs often have a presentation reminiscent of an open-baffle or planar speaker. I believe that much of what a good open-baffle or planar speaker does we... 
Great 16 ohm Full Range loudspeakers
I will be showing with Atma-sphere and Neko Audio in room 1102, and amplification will be the S-30. 
Great 16 ohm Full Range loudspeakers
Most OTL amps are happiest with a fairly high, smooth impedance curve. That being said, in my opinion the MA-1 will work very well with quite a few 8-ohm (and lower) speakers as long as the impedance curve is fairly smooth.I don't know what the im... 
Is my room too small
The challenges of a small room include:a) Early onset of reflections, much of which is inevitable. Coloration and image shift are both more likely to arise from early-onset reflections than from later-arriving ones, although direction of arrival a... 
Speakers suggestions for my setup and room please
Jimhsu, I like Dorkwad's suggestion of an adjustable-tuning speaker and diagonal setup. In some cases a semi-diagonal setup works better; imagine rotating the speaker-listener-speaker triangle only about 15 or 20 degrees instead of the full 45 deg... 
Planar Speaker Placement
"Reflections that arrive at the listener's ear less than 10ms after the direct sound from the speaker will blur imaging becuase the delay is insufficient for the brain to discern whether or not the reflection truly is a reflection thereby providin... 
Planar Speaker Placement
"...some people even “scientifically” support it by calculating the time for the back wave to return, which does not make any sense."Reasarch has shown that the ear's response to reflections is related to their delay, angle, amplitude, and spectra... 
New Magnepan 1.7 Owner
To my ears, there is a small but worthwhile audible improvement from replacing the stock jumpers. I used thick solid copper when I had Maggies. Duke 
Question about lower freq response.
It's a lot more complicated than simply looking at cone size. Several mechanical and electrical parameters are involved, some of which tend to go in a particular direction as cone size increases, but there is a great deal of variation in these par... 
Question about lower freq response.
Docks, in general bigger woofers only give you deeper bass if they are used in an enclosure large enough to take advantage of their capabilities. The smaller woofers in the Revel are in an enclosure large enough to allow them to go down a little d... 
Question about lower freq response.
The three factors that get traded off are box size, efficiency, and bass extension. Greater cone size in the same box size often means higher efficiency, and therefore less bass extension. The box sizes are pretty close (the Paradigm is maybe 10-1... 
Distributed Subwoofers - Options
Hi Marty,My guess is you're referring to James Romeyn, a dealer for Thorell high-end guitars. Here's a link to the page for his DSA 1.0 subwoofer system:James Romeyn's Distributed Subwoofer ArrayThis system has higher output and deeper extension t... 
How To Ship Heavy Speakers With Insurance?
You might try 
Best speakers for about $3500
Dorkwad, I tip my hat to you on remaining civil when you so easily could have chosen not to.Duke