
Responses from audiokinesis

Is my room doomed? Pic
Perceptually, a sense of "envelopment" is heavily dependent on reflections coming from the sides. Since there are no sidewalls to speak of, these reflections would have to be synthesized and reproduced through small speakers (which need not begin ... 
Best setup for two subwoofers.
Gozren, I tip my hat to you for wading through all that and finding something useful. We kinda went off on a tangent or three there. Very best of luck with your project... and if you get a chance to listen to the interview with Dr. Toole (episode ... 
Best setup for two subwoofers.
Thank you very much for the link, Les creative edge. In the first half of the interview, I didn't hear anything on the subject of speakers, rooms, subwoofers, subwoofer placement, or psychoacoustics that I didn't already know. Not trying to be a s... 
Best setup for two subwoofers.
If this is indeed Dr. Toole's position, then I disagree with him:"...the best choice if budget allows... is FOUR subs each in a corner.... They will provide the smoothest bass for the most listeners in room."I question whether that's really what h... 
Best setup for two subwoofers.
Les creative edge, to the best of my knowledge none of the subwoofer studies published by Harmon researcher Todd Welti (presumably Toole's source) investigated asymmetrical placement, simply because that introduces too many variables. Another rese... 
Best setup for two subwoofers.
In my opinion it is okay to use different subs. I'm also an advocate of asymmetrical placement, so that the two subs are interacting with the room modes differently. The result is each sub will give you a different peak-and-dip pattern at any give... 
Power output of tube amps compared to solid states
Pubul57, I'd rather go offline with that to avoid taking the thread on a commercial tangent; I'll shoot you an e-mail.Duke 
more adjectives to help define 'fatigue' vectors?
"Can a non-fatiguing system be deployed in a brighter-than-ideal room and have it remain not-fatiguing?"The short answer is, "yes". But that's not very interesting, so you're going to get the long answer too. Let's look at a couple of causes of fa... 
Modernists Unite, or: saying no to room treatment
Audiokinesis wrote:My opinion is that a speaker should sound just fine in a fairly reverberant [environment] - just like the acoustic instruments it's supposed to be reproducing.To which Kr4 replied:I firmly disagree. The recording of the performa... 
Subwoofer guys - House curve or flat?
In my opinion what you want is flattest possible in-room bass without causing problems. How you get there depends on the sub's inherent response and the room acoustic situation. Note that once boundary reinforcement and modal effects are factored ... 
Power output of tube amps compared to solid states
Kirkus wrote:"The problem with increasing the amplifier source impedance for this type of driver [prosound woofer] (especially in a domestic application) is that while this raises the Q and the bass output, it leaves the resonant frequency unaffec... 
Power output of tube amps compared to solid states
My understanding is that a woofer's electrical damping is described by the electrical Q (Qes) and the mechanical damping is described by the mechanical Q (Qms). The Qes value given in a spec sheet assumes a true voltage source amplifier, and in pr... 
Modernists Unite, or: saying no to room treatment
Correcting a typo; that first sentence should read:"My opinion is that a speaker should sound just fine in a fairly reverberant environment..." 
Modernists Unite, or: saying no to room treatment
My opinion is that a speaker should sound just fine in a fairly reverberant - just like the acoustic instruments it's supposed to be reproducing. And the key to doing so lies off-axis, not on-axis. Dukedealer/manufacturer 
Most Musical Subwoofers?
The difference between high quality subwoofer systems pales in comparision to what the room does to their outputs. In the bass region, the elephant in the room IS the room. Some have advocated using two subs, and I would join with them. Preferably...