
Responses from audiokinesis

Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
"Many subs have group delays of up to or more than 1 cycle. Of course this is audible."I don't remember the exact group delay figures used in the study I read, but they were consistent with what one would expect from a well-designed vented system.... 
Why do subs sound bloated or slow?
"Under many circumstances, optimizing frequency response and optimizing transient response is a zero sum game. In other words, getting one right usually means you get the other wrong."Strongly disagree. When you get one right, you get the other on... 
Dali Helicon 800 or Acoust Zen Adagio in this room
Thank you for providing the drawing.Your room is effectively quite large from the standpoint of bass energy, and large rooms tend to make speakers sound "leaner" than they would in a small or medium room. I'd suggest going with speakers that tend ... 
Help with used "rock" speakers under 4K
That's a very large room. In my opinion, speakers that have a good dynamic capability and smooth power response with robust bass tend to be good candidates for a very large room (think "prosound-style but with smoothness and deep bass"). One way t... 
Hi efficient speaker, bass problems
In my opinion a fairly high output impedance (low damping factor) amplifier actually works extremely well with proper loudspeaker matching. In the bass region, a high output impedance has the effect of raising the woofer's electrical Q, which redu... 
Go for sub or larger speakers?
I have some design experience with large full-range speakers and roughly comparable satellite/subwoofer systems, and imho done correctly the latter will have better bass quality and no audible integration anomalies. Duke 
Front port vs Rear port
The audibility of coloration from a delayed signal gently peaks at about 2 milliseconds as I recall (based on an AES paper by by James M. Kates), corresponding to a path length difference of about 27 inches, but remember that the point of origin f... 
Hi efficient speaker, bass problems
"Because all high efficiency speakers have an uneven bandwidth when being driven..."This depends of the thermal and mechanical power handling capacities of the drivers used. For instance a 4" fullrange driver with 1/2 mm of linear excursion and 30... 
Front port vs Rear port
Weseixas, I believe that the fundamental resonance of an open-on-both-ends tube will occur at the frequency where the tube's length is equal to one-half wavelenth. For a port 6" long, that would be about 1.1 kHz. In my opinion a nearfield or small... 
Front port vs Rear port
"The position too near the wall, so to speak, usually manifests itself in nearfield reflections, a larger problem imho than port constriction." - LrskyWell said - I agree 100%.Regarding port location, note that if the speakers are designed for pla... 
Help a confused newbie build his first setup...
Once we get far enough away from the speakers that the reverberant field dominates over the direct sound, it really doesn't matter whether the sound originated from a point source or a line source. And by the time we're outside the main listening ... 
Im looking for Speakers/Sub to play rap mostly
As one who manufactures both home audio and pro audio speakers, and does so with pro audio drivers, in my opinion they are not necessarily whole different ballgames.One reason to consider speakers that use prosound-type components for demanding ho... 
Dunlavy SC-IV bass problem
You can check the polarity of the wiring on the woofers with a battery.Connect the + battery terminal to the + speaker input, and the - battery terminal to the - speaker input. The crossover will send the DC voltage from the battery to the woofers... 
Dunlavy SC-IV bass problem
Don't change woofers unless you are prepared to redesign the crossover. If you really want more bass, I suggest having the woofers' T/S parameters measured to see if it's feasible to port the cabinets. Otherwise, woofers that give you "more bass" ... 
martin logan prodigy vs sound lab m-2
I'm rather embarrassed by how promotional my post from 2001 now reads. I try not to do that any more.Duke