
Responses from audiokinesis

Full-range/horn loaded on a budget?
You might try The Hornshoppe: have no idea if owner Ed Schilling keeps stock on hand, but his speakers have an extremely enthusiastic following, assuming you don't mind spending a lot less than $2800.Or, pic... 
Sealed vs Ported Subwoofers
In my opinion the central problem of low bass reproduction is room interaction. Low-frequency gain from boundary reinforcement has a significant impact on subwoofer in-room performance, so let's look at that. But first a bit of background: The ear... 
D’Appolito designs in smaller rooms?
In my experience, you want a narrower radiation pattern in a small room than you do in a large room, and in most cases you want to use more toe-in than normal. This is to keep the energy in the early reflections to a minimum. To the extent that th... 
pro's and con's of a 4 ohm speaker?
In general, amplifiers are happier into a high impedance load, as long as they aren't driven into clipping. So assuming all else is equal (which of course it never is), I'd suggest 8 ohms if there is no danger of clipping and 4 ohms if there is. N... 
StereoTimes Interview with Duke LeJeune/Audiokines
Clio09 wrote: "I'm now using the 45 degree toe-in in my new condo and I have to say I'm liking it very much. I'm getting a whole new perspective on the sound stage and there is definitely a larger sweet spot. I guess the designer knew what he was ... 
StereoTimes Interview with Duke LeJeune/Audiokines
Thank you all very much for taking the time to post here, I appreciate your good thoughts and encouragement. And especially thank you Clio09 for starting this thread. Duke 
In Room Frequency Response Measurements
My target is a gentle downward tilt across the spectrum, maybe -4 dB or so at 15 kHz relative to 400 Hz. In-room measurements are usually dominated by room acoustics at any given microphone location below 400 Hz or so, and therefore are not reliab... 
45 degree placement in squarish room?
Yup, diagonal placement in a squareish room often works quite well.You might also try 15 or 20 degrees - in other words, asymmetry. In some cases this is a net improvement; the bass may end up smoother, and the ear generally likes for the reflecti... 
SET Amp question
Depends in part on the amp's output impedance and the speaker's input impedance.Oversimplifiying a bit, a high output impedance (low damping factor) amp will put out increased power into an impedance peak, and decreased power into an impedance dip... 
Wilson audio Maxx best amp match???
I was friends with a Wilson dealer in a medium-sized city, and he hosted several Wilson-sponsored open house events. After the presentation/demo, they would just play music for the rest of the evening, first using the solid state amp they'd done t... 
Gershman Black Swans vs Focal Scala Utopia
I have no affiliation with either brand, but my personal preference would be the Gershmans. If I had a nice high-end audio salon, Gershman is a brand that I would want to offer. They have consistently impressed me at audio shows. Dukedealer/manufa... 
Can you use a Magnepan MG12 as a Center speaker?
At a given frequency, the radiation pattern's angular coverage is inversely proportional to the width of the source in that plane. The Maggie MG12 is a great example: Set up normally, the tweeter is narrow in the horizontal dimension and broad in ... 
Can you use a Magnepan MG12 as a Center speaker?
With horizontal orientation, the radiation pattern width would be about the same as the normal height of the panel (51 inches). That's narrow enough that conventional speakers in phantom center mode would probably work just as well if not better. ... 
Best Used Speaker for Around $5000??
Since Daedalus speakers are not distributed through dealers, there is no dealer markup. Thus the actual value of their the parts and cabinetry is a much higher percentage of the retail price than it is for speakers that go through dealer networks.... 
Sealing ported enclosure to reduce boom
Thanks, Mapman! I use a modular port system in many of my designs, and on several occasions being able to ship a longer center section to a customer has saved the day. The ability of the end user to make this sort of adjustment is a significant, a...