
Responses from audiokinesis

What does one purchase after owning horns?
The effect on a bass system of a low damping factor amplifier is the same as raising the electrical Q of the woofer. If the bass system is designed in anticipation of this higher electrical Q, then the result is proper bass response. If not, then ... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Clio09, the listening fatigue thing goes back to how the ear/brain system processes sound. When a sound first reaches the ears, a copy of it is stored in a short-term memory. Then for the next twenty milliseconds or so, all other incoming sounds a... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Renmeister, there is a "free lunch" available when combining low-damping-factor specialty tube amplifiers and speakers designed to work well with such. The low damping factor in effect changes the woofer's electrical damping in a way that increase... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
Just as disparaging general statements made about planars overlook some interesting exceptions, so too disparaging generalities about horns overlook interesting exceptions. Despite the title of the thread, I think it's well within the spirit of Re... 
What does one purchase after owning horns?
My thanks to those of you who have mentioned my speakers, sometimes even in the same breath as SoundLabs. For the record, my bipolar models indeed deliberately seek to emulate some of the radiation pattern characteristics of the pre-PX series Soun... 
What are best speakers for VTL 125 amps and 90dB ?
"If my amp is clipping, wouldn't the solution be a more powerful amp?"The VTL 125 is rated at 130 watts in tetrode mode. To theoretically gain 6 dB more headroom, you'd need to go up to 780 watts. Your speakers couldn't handle that.So let's take a... 
What are best speakers for VTL 125 amps and 90dB ?
In theory one of the tradeoffs of the gentle first-order crossovers used by Vandersteen is reduced power handling. If you've blown every speaker you've had once or twice, I suggest that you'll save money in the long run by going with speakers that... 
Budget Strategies forTightening up Bass?
Plugging the ports will reduce the excursion-limited power handling above and around the tuning frequency, and increase it below (where it falls rapidly with a vented design). You're not pushing them with a big amp to begin with so I think you wou... 
Budget Strategies forTightening up Bass?
I'm not familiar with the Silverline 17.5. If it uses a ported box, you might try lowering the tuning frequency by lengthening the port and/or reducing its cross-sectional area. Or tightly stuff open-cell foam into it, transforming the system into... 
what speakers demand high end electronics
If a loudspeaker has a benign impedance curve, it will usually sound pretty good with modest electronics provided the efficiency isn't extremely low or extremely high. The latter proviso is somewhat counter-intuitive, but often very high efficienc... 
Can room acoustics amplify the sound of speakers?
Timhru,The Vandersteen's tweeter crosses over a little lower than the Soliloquy's, and does so with a more gentle slope. The Vantersteen's tweeter is a bit smaller in diameter than the Soliloquy's (1.0" vs 1.125"), and the Vandersteen's midwoofer ... 
Can room acoustics amplify the sound of speakers?
It is possible that the colorations you hear at high levels are actually present at lower levels, but are below the detection threshold. In a small room, you inevitably have lots of early-onset reflections, and in general early-onset reflections a... 
Monitor speakers for Ayon Triton
Once you set a size limit on speakers, you'll be trading off bass extension vs efficiency. If you want something significantly more efficient without giving up bass extension, you'll need speakers with a significantly bigger enclosure. Dukedealer/... 
Flawed? Wilson's Aspherical Propagation Delay
Designing decent user-adjustable crossovers would be a lot more complex than it sounds. Adjusting the array to restore the correct speakers-to-listener geometry makes a lot more sense to me.The dowsides are greater diffraction, as Shadorne noted, ... 
Line Array Speaker vs Point Source Speaker
Hce4, comb filtering in the vertical plane is dealt with by having the inter-driver spacing small in relation to the wavelengths produced, and/or using drivers that inherently have limited vertical dispersion anyway and therefore little or no over...