
Responses from audiokinesis

DIY Speaker question
I bet you can get those foam surrounds replaced for a lot less than $800, assuming the voice coils weren't cooked. Then set the speakers to "small" for home theater, and use a separate sub or subs.Whether a given subwoofer will do "more harm than ... 
Dedicated listening room design
The most critical time of any major project is at the beginning, when the biggest decisions are made, and paradoxically when you know the least. Apparently you are aware of this, and seeking to learn as much as possible at this early stage, which ... 
Dynamic speakers for OTL amps
In my opinion (which is not unbiased), single-driver speakers are generally limited in clarity and/or articulation when called upon to reproduce large-scale music at high SPLs in a big room. That's just not where they excel.Again imo, the coherenc... 
Low powered & warm sounding class D amps ?
I have been extremely impressed by Virtue Audio amplifiers. They sell direct so their prices are quite reasonable. 
What would happen if Maggie and Wilson Mated?
As a first approximation, you could buy two pairs of your favorite Wilsons and point one pair backwards, to give you a bipolar radiation pattern (dipole = too much bass cancellation for this application, so bipolar works better). Dukedealer/manufa... 
Suggestions? Planar like Dynamic speaker under 2K
Perhaps used Emerald Physics CS2?Duke 
Cheapest way to ship large speakers?
You might try possible, you want the same company handling the shipment all the way to the buyer's door. If there are two companies involved, each will blame the other if there's any damage. 
Anything like an Altec Model 19
The Model 14 is a better approximation of the Model 19's voicing and presentation than is the A7, in my opinion.PiSpeakers are excellent, and I consider Wayne Parham to be one of my teachers. The reason for the per-speaker pricing is that a lot of... 
Heaven or Hell
The Stereo Gods giveth... and the Stereo Gods taketh away.They are giving you as sign. They are telling you to visit the nearest high priest - your local dealer - and make a suitable offering, in the form of an expensive purchase. Do this, you wil... 
Klipsch lascala subwoofer?
The cabinet design of the LaScala does not provide horn loading down into the subwoofer region; it is much too small to be effective at those wavelengths. Instead, the cabinet would act like a very small sealed box, of whatever internal volume is ... 
Speakers with wide listening window
Audioconnection wrote:"...the only way to get a wide listening window is to use a speaker that is so defuse that it can't possibly have a "sweet spot". The higher resolution and more transparent a speaker the smaller and sweeter the sweet spot. It... 
Speakers with wide listening window
The "listening window" has two aspects: Tonal balance, and imaging. In order to get good tonal balance across a wide area, you want a speaker whose off-axis response is very similar to its on-axis response. This also pays dividends in naturalness ... 
Speaker with most dynamic PUNCH?
"Do "pro" speakers and studio monitors tend to have more punch than those made for the domestic market?"In general yes, but it depends on what you mean by "studio monitor". If you mean a 5" two-way, well the prosound versions are not necessarily m... 
Tube amps known to have a low damping factor?
Higher damping factors are not a free lunch; something has to be traded off to get there, and that something is the ear-friendly distortion behavior of a low (or zero) global negative feedback amp. Most SET and OTL amps have a low damping factor, ... 
Speaker with most dynamic PUNCH?
Lack of dynamic punch sounds like power compression to me; for example, the signal going into the speaker calls for a 10 dB peak, and your speaker only delivers an 8 dB peak. As a result, the liveliness and emotion and impact are sucked out of the...