
Responses from audiokinesis

High order crossovers
@erik_squires wrote:  "I feel as if low order crossovers were actually significantly better in dynamics I'd have heard it. "I think true (acoustic) first order is more dynamic, ALL ELSE BEING EQUAL. All else is seldom equal.  There is a tradeoff r... 
narrow and wide baffles and imaging
@tomic601 wrote: "reflected wave off baffle creates constructive and destructive interference, seen as amplitude....."A wave travelling along a surface, parallel to that surface, does not reflect off of it. However it can diffract at the edge. The... 
High order crossovers
If a speaker is NOT time coherent, the fundamentals and overtones do not arrive at the exact same instant in time. The overtones arrive a little bit later. My understanding is that this does reduce the perceived dynamic contrast a little bit. (Not... 
narrow and wide baffles and imaging
@twoleftears wrote:"So what we need is a 19" front baffle?"Maybe even wider, depending on driver diameters and crossover points!That being said, I think a small baffle with large round-overs would image extremely well, assuming all of its other du... 
narrow and wide baffles and imaging
Imo the Precedence Effect explains many observations made about correlations between imaging precision and baffle width, in particular those posted by @shadorne on the previous page.The Precedence Effect kicks in at about .68 milliseconds, which c... 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
Thank you, cd318.Like you, I am "inclined to believe that a great speaker should still sound good in any room." My standard example is a grand piano: Sure it will sound best in a good recital hall, but it won’t suck in your kitchen unless you play... 
Are subs worth the price for music?
The elephant in the room IS the room. The room’s effects at low frequencies are huge. Like enginedr1960 above, I’m a disciple of Earl Geddes when it comes to how to do a subwoofer system right. The justification for using multiple (often four) int... 
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre?
What generates rich timbre out in the real world?Well, what makes your voice sound richer in the shower? What makes a grand piano’s timbre and texture so rich and lush in a good recital hall? And what makes the difference between a good seat and a... 
The most fun you can have in audio is DIYing your own speakers
I started designing and building my own speakers back in 1979. I LOVE to be creative, to try something that hasn’t quite been done before, in hopes of pushing a boundary here or there. It was not until 2005 that I "turned pro".For the small direct... 
Anyone Else Using an Audio Kinesis Swarm or Debra Distributed Bass Array System?
Magzxi posted: "Thanks for the help! I’ve read the thread over again quickly and don’t see the difference between SWARM and DEBRA."The Swarm is Duke’s design, square footprint. The DEBRA is Jim Romeyn’s variation on the theme, with a rectangular f... 
Anyone Else Using an Audio Kinesis Swarm or Debra Distributed Bass Array System?
Hi Tim,Thank you very much for your enthusiasm and expertise about distributed multi-sub systems.I would however like to take issue with one thing you said:"The Swarm is retailed by AK founder and owner, Dick Lejeune who I believe passed away in 2... 
Your advice to speakers designers
"There's a lack of choice in the omni and coaxial schools of speaker design right now. You know the types of speakers which can address a large sweet spot."Very interesting.  Thanks for the nudge in that general direction.Duke 
Your advice to speakers designers
Ralph makes an excellent point in suggesting the amp/speaker interaction be given high priority by speaker designers, and in particular I echo his vote for fairly high impedances and benign curves.  Likewise imo the speaker/room interaction deserv... 
Your advice to speakers designers
"With some designs I see a wall of drivers and with others just two or three. What do they try to accomplish with so many drivers?" See what the designer has to say!  I'm sure he has something specific in mind."I always thought that one driver is ... 
Your advice to speakers designers
"I am always suspicious of speakers with multiple drivers."Can you explain what you mean by this?"Would you say that three is enough even if the room is big and you sometimes play loudly?"I’m not really inclined to single out the number of drivers...