
Responses from audiokinesis

360 degree radial speakers and imaging...
At frequencies above 1500 Hz, the ears derive directional cues primarily by relative intensity, rather than by arrival time. So if you have an omnidirectional system, you want to make sure that early reflected energy is fairly well diffused so you... 
Experience with Wolcott's on cone speakers?
I have a customer who's using Wolcotts on a pair of Dunlavy's (Model IV's, as I recall), and he's quite happy with them. I have another customer who tried Wolcotts on Wilson Maxx's and as I recall he preferred the Tenors. So unfortunately I can't ... 
Electrical problem associated with all of my amps
Schubert -You might want to call your electric company. There should be a 200-amp line going into your house, but a lot of older houses just have a 120-amp line going in. A friend of mine had a similar problem and he called his power company and t... 
Holy Grail of Audio Systems
Audiophanatik -If nothing else, you're a helluva writer.One comment, regarding "Is it possible to ever 100% perfectly recreate an analog sound?"Nope.But what a good system can do is convincingly mimic some aspect of a live performance. It might be... 
Are Dealer Recommendations Useful or Useless?
As a dealer, this has been a thoroughly entertaining and educational thread for me. It's nice to see that dealers have been useful to many of you, and educational to see in what areas we often fall on our faces (such as blindly recommending stuff ... 
Problems with my Berning ZH270
I'm going to guess that your tonal balance problem is a lack of bottom end, which shows up as brightness. Addressing this situation may well involve radically re-arranging your room. To test out this hypothesis without moving stuff all around, try... 
Amp/pre for Soundlab M1s Advice: Digital or no?
Mshan -I'm a dealer for both Sound Lab and Parasound JC-1's. They work exceptionally well together. The Sound Labs in my living room are hooked up to JC-1's right now, even though I have some other amps on hand that are several times the price. I ... 
Amp/pre for Soundlab M1s Advice: Digital or no?
Hello Brian,Thanks for the kind words!In my experience, amps with digital-switching power supplies haven't worked real well with Sound Labs. There seems to be some dynamic compression that amps with good, old-fashioned beefy power supplies don't h... 
What do you think about this ?
Consider the possibility that your replies haven't gotten through to him for some reason. I've had e-mail problems at times, and fortunately the other parties gave me the benefit of the doubt. You might try e-mailing him with the "Request Read Rec... 
opinions on modern horn speakers
Marakanetz,The Solo is indeed an ingenious design with its equalized coaxial driver complement. That 18" diameter shallow horn around the woofer starts to progressively lose precise directional control below about 750 Hz, though, so directionality... 
Money no object,,,,which speakers would you own???
Stunning good looks - Martin Logan CLSJus' plain fun to listen to: Classic Audio Reproducions HartsfieldOmigod holographic soundstaging: Intuitive Design DenaliIs that a band behind that wall of speaker?: Sound Lab U-1/UB-1 combo 
opinions on modern horn speakers
Interesting thread! For my part, I have been quite impressed with a number of modern horn systems, and especially enjoyed attending the Midwest Audio Fest this year.My (ever-changing) theory of loudspeaker quality is this: A loudspeaker must do so... 
Suggestions for a monitor speaker
trudellbc,If your question is "What compact box speaker that belongs on a stand would sound best in a small room", I probably couldn't add much to the suggestions already made. I peddle ATC, which has already been suggested by Hoggshead.On the oth... 
weighting speakers and resistance loading????
If you imagine the speaker rocking back and forth a bit in reaction to the woofer's movements, you can see that it approximates an upside-down pendulum. The most effective place to add mass would be on top of the speaker.I have had best results wi... 
Joseph Audio RM33si & others in the $8,000 range
Joseph Audio speakers have consistently impressed me. I think their steep-slope crossover is a very elegant approach, and they are very nicely voiced. And as we have seen here (and numerous times over at the Asylum), Jeff Joseph himself is quite a...