
Responses from audiokinesis

Pre Amp recommendation
Hear4 -If you want to use a two-channel preamp that does not have an HT pass-through, what you can do is take the preamp to a technician and have him measure and tell you the exact volume control setting for unity gain. Then, you simply dial in th... 
Manley vs Wolcott for Innersound Eros
Mbonn,Like virtually all things audio, EL34 vs 6550 is a matter of tradeoffs and personal opinions. Generally, the EL34 has better midrange, and the 6550 is more powerful and has better bass. Using lots of EL34's will give you plenty of power and ... 
Levinson, Krell, Classe, Plinius, McIntosh
Very informative post, kuso! I read it with interest, since I'm a dealer for your uncle's speakers. I'm not a Classe' dealer, but the Omicron line must be quite good. I've tried several of the other amps you mention (and I sell Atma-Sphere), so th... 
Best subwoofer match for Meadowlark Swifts?
S7Horton,The idea behind the enormous flexibility of the Tegmentum's crossover/amplifier/equalizer is to get a good blend with a wide variety of speakers in real-world rooms. Getting that correct blend is a matter of dialing in the controls proper... 
JM Labs/Focal Alto or Alon Circe or Genesis 6.1
Hmmmmm. Well, I think you've already told us what speaker you like best ("Alons are my favorite with sooooo much air, space, and punch!"). Your reservations seem to be about their resale value and age. I'd suggest that those considerations pale in... 
Best subwoofer match for Meadowlark Swifts?
Buggtussel makes a transmission-line sub called the "Tegmentum" that would be an excellent match with the Meadowlarks. The Tegmentum is pretty big, but its quality of bass in my opinion surpasses that of smaller sealed or reflex subs. Rated down t... 
Manley vs Wolcott for Innersound Eros
Hello Mbonn,From my (admittedly limited) exposure to Manley amps, I would think the Neo Classic 250 would be a very fine amplifier. I'm a Wolcott dealer, but I like some of the design choices Manley made with this amp (such as going with EL34 tube... 
Choking more SPL's out of Maggie 3.6's
I's glad to see Travis posting his experiences. I knew he was happy with the InnerSound amps, but didn't know just how loud he was driving his Maggies. I'm an InnerSound dealer, but don't have the experience with the Brystons to make a valid compa... 
Audio Artistry Beethoven - heard it?
Greetings Muralman1,You are asking about one of the most intelligently designed and best-sounding speakers ever made, in my opinion. I had the pleasure of listening to designer Siegfried Linkwitz's personal Beethoven system in his home about a yea... 
Amp/Int. Amp to smooth the highs...
Gunbei -Paralleling the tweeter with a fairly large resistor will actually lower the impedance that the amp sees, and will also smooth the impedance out out a bit. 
Amp/Int. Amp to smooth the highs...
Iasi -Your current speakrs are Usher 719's? I couldn't find any information on them...Okay, you might try this: Wire a 16-ohm, 25-watt resistor across the speaker terminals (if bi-wire capable, then across the high frequency inputs). Just tighten ... 
Powerful but "emotional" amps?
At first I was scratching my head about what I'd recommend, and then I read Albert Porter's post. Duh. The D79 is probably one of the most musical amps ever made. Nice call, Albert!Duke 
Let's forget about being politically correct
Just for the record, the CTC Blowtorch pre-amp which Mr. Crump manufactures is absolutely stunning. Shattered all my preconceived notions (as did those damn JC-1's). Well, at least I can peddle the JC-1's (from Parasound) - the Blowtorch remains m... 
Cap upgrade?
Joew -I presume you're asking about a power-supply capacitance increase.Think of the current coming from the wall as water from a garden hose, and the power supply capacitors as the bucket the hose is pouring into. The bigger the bucket, the more ... 
speaker sensitivity vs. speaker size
Loose -Typically, the efficiency of the woofer sets the overall system efficiency. And there is a trade-off relationship between bass extension, efficiency, and small box size - you can have any two of the three, but not all three. Suppose you mak...