
Responses from audiokinesis

Birdland DAC
I'm a Birdland dealer so my comments may not be totally unbiased, but let's just say I do think it's something pretty special, especially in its price range. I was introduced to Birdland by a customer who flew here (to New Orleans) to listen to So... 
Easy question about efficiency of speakers...
That 91 dB in-room figure is derived by factoring in the additive effect of reverberant sound within the room, and no doubt varies from one room to another. Also, the reverberant field wouldn't add significantly to perceived loudness at near-field... 
Need a smaller, efficient floorstander
The Merlin VSM is a stunning loudspeaker that can be easily driven by most medium-powered tube amps, and it seems to especially like OTL's. Nope, I'm not a Merlin dealer - just an admirer. Duke 
TAS Total Victory Review
Israel Blume's speakers are very well designed and executed, and any time you're trying to build a very high efficiency speaker you'll have to make some compromises. That being said, how many upper-90's efficient, easy-to-drive, low coloration, sl... 
I need some suggestions for some new speakers...
Hello Jpbaskin,If you don't mind a "vintage" speaker, consider the Snell Type A. Superb imaging, and superb bottom end. There's a pair for sale here: asking price is well below your b... 
Omnidirectional speakers. The future?
As Sean pointed out, most omni's aren't truly omni, since the drivers usually become directional at high frequencies. But the net effect can be the same as for a true omni - namely, a well energized and tonally correct reverberant field. Just for ... 
Atma Sphere
Hello Josef,The Atma-Sphere amps do generate more heat than most amps, comparable to any Class A amp of a similar power rating. The big MA-2's dissipate 800 watts per chassis (idle; a bit less when playing loud), so a pair of them are like having ... 
flat speaker quandary
Nick -The situation you describe makes perfect sense to me. Briefly, your room's too big for the SL-3's. But please read my explanation as to why this is so, because it isn't obvious at first glance. The woofers on your Martin Logans approximate a... 
Quad ESL 63 in smallish room ?
I used to have a pair of 63's in a roughly 12 by 12 foot room, and I've also used them in a 13 by 31 foot room. Of course they liked the big room better, but were still quite enjoyable in the small room (though I had to pay a lot of attention to a... 
Best amp to use with ML Aeon i speakers ...
I'm not sure a change in amplification is going to solve your problem.You see, an electrostatic/dynamic hybrid is challenging because the sound pressure level literally falls off more slowly with distance from the panel than from the woofer. So if... 
Speakers that accurately reproduce a drumset
The best loudspeakers I have heard for drumkit is the Classic Audio Reproductions Hartsfield, a 3-way corner horn. I've heard a lot of other fine speakers (including several mentioned in this thread), but the CAR Hartsfields came the closest to ge... 
What SOLID STATE preamp recommended for the JC-1?
Agree with Bryceeboy that the Blowtorch is superb, and the way to go if you can swing it. However, for quite a bit less money, the GamuT C2R is a very nice unit. I'm a dealer for the Parasound JC-1's as well as for GamuT.Best of luck in your quest... 
Pre-Amp for Parasound JC-1
Bryceeboy,I second your recommendation of the Atma-Sphere preamp. I'm a dealer for the Parasound JC-1's as well as Atma-Sphere, and it's a sweet synergy. Duke 
Counterpoint NPS + Soundlab Electrostats
Hello Somut,I have no first-hand experience with the Counterpoint NPS amplifiers, but don't see the low damping factor mentioned by Mejames as a serious concern in this case. With many speakers that might be an issue, but the Sound Labs work prett... 
Am i missing some good and lifelike speakers ?tks
Hello Ad10685,First the disclaimer: I'm a Sound Lab owner and dealer, and former Quad 63 owner. I'm familiar with both the Dynastats and M2's, and frankly the M2's are in a significantly higher league. I'd probably pick the Quad 988 or 989 over th...