
Responses from audiokinesis

subwoofer for Quad 988 electrostatics
Hello Kjl,Most dipole owners at one time or another try adding a subwoofer to fill in the bottom octave, and most find the sub to be a mixed blessing.The reason it's so difficult to blend a sub with a dipole is the discrepancy in the radiation cha... 
Do Sound Labs play deep bass in large rooms?
Lrsky -Brian of Essential Audio has done a superb job of covering the, ah, essentials...The short answer to your question is, yes indeed, big Sound Labs will do bass in your room. Sound Lab's specs may even be a bit conservative as far as bass ext... 
ASL "Hurricane" OK match w/'Logan Prodigy's?
Hello Denf,I called up my Sound Lab customer who was going to try the Hurricanes, and it turns out I got things a little mixed up. He auditioned the Hurricanes, but on a pair of Quads - not on his Sound Labs. He ended up purchasing a Rogue Zeus fo... 
Which speakers excel at low volume?
Drubin -Let me explain two mechanisms that detract from most loudspeakers sounding good at low volume levels, and then see if I can offer a few useful ideas.First, imagine you're pushing a car. Small pushes do not show up in a corresponding moveme... 
Speakers for Classical and Rock in large space.
Bill -Wow, that's an enormous space you have there! And your top priority is reproducing large-scale classical, which is probably the most demanding music in terms of getting the tonality, textures and inner nuances right along with very good dyna... 
ribbon or electrostatic speakers
Hello Seadogs,I'm a dealer for Sound Lab and several other speaker lines, as well as a few lines of electronics that work well with the speakers I sell. I will be a dealer for the Gilmore Audio speakers (assuming they sound really good - I haven't... 
ribbon or electrostatic speakers
Seadogs1,Dipole bass is diffrent from monopole bass. That chest-thump you feel on a kickdrum is from the whole room being pressurized. A box woofer can actually increase or decrease the net air pressure in the room, but a dipole can only create lo... 
Chesky Audio C-1 - Who has heard them?
Hello Bob,I take it you normally listen at very low volume levels (35-50 dB seems extremely low to me, but maybe I just need new batteries for my hearing aid). If you get the chance, audition a full-range electrostat before committing to the Chesk... 
Three electrostat choices and my room-- need help
Aceto,Well first of all, let me compliment your wife on her fine taste in loudspeakers, and you on your fine luck in marrying her!The Martin-Logan Prodigy, with it's cardioid-pattern bass system, ought to work quite well in your room, as you can p... 
Why Do Martin Logan Speakers Lack Dynamic Energy?
Several possibilities come to mind that might have a bearing on what you're experiencing.First, the differing radiation characteristics of point-source woofers and line-source panels means that their integration is somewhat distance-dependent. The... 
Any experience with TAD speakers ?
Foxtrot -Thanks for the information on the sound quality and presentation of the 2401's.So far I'd have to characterize my own work with TAD drivers as "prototyping" - I have yet to build an identical pair of loudspeakers using TAD components. If ... 
Any experience with TAD speakers ?
Hello Foxtrot,I haven't heard the 2401, but I've heard (and built) several speakers using TAD drivers. Yup, they're superb! Classic Audio Reproductions also uses TAD drivers in their speakers, and Westlake uses TADS (or so I've been told). I've ye... 
Opinions of Cliffhanger Bulldogs
Curt,Cliffhanger's website is down right now, but here's the address: did a review and a follow-up on the Bulldogs: 
Opinions of Cliffhanger Bulldogs
Congrats on your 'Dogs, Jkwl!Interesting that you bought 'em after only one listen, when that's something you never do. You see, I became a dealer for 'em after only one listen, and that's something I never do. So at least we both know we're not a... 
Speakers like 'stats but for smaller rooms?
Greetings Blw,I hope you don't mind a dealer crawling out of the woodwork here...You see, I own and sell electrostats, and I'm also quite partial to Maggies. In my experience, not many "box" speakers successfully follow in the footsteps of a good ...