
Responses from audiokinesis

Soundstaging and imaging are audiophile fictions.
There is a tradeoff relationship between pinpoint localization of sound sources ("imaging") on the one hand, and enveloping ambience and rich timbre on the other. This goes for performance venues as well as for home stereo systems. It has to do wi... 
Which speaker is the master of IMAGING ????
The best imaging I've heard was from the Intuitive Design "Denali", shown at CES 2002. Gave me goosebumps. Nope, I don't sell 'em. 
Full range box floorstanding recommend $3-5K range
Once you've lived with planars, it's very hard to go back to boxes. Among the few non-planar speakers that I find satisfyingly un-boxy is the Gradient Revolution, which really doesn't use a box. The woofers are dipoles, and the concentric mid/twee... 
Best SET Compatible Speakers, $4k-6k used
TWL's recommendations are excellent, as usual. He is experienced and competent. I haven't heard the Lamhorns, but in this price range I like Rethm speakers, from India. If you're willing to do a little custom cabinetry, then PHY of France makes so... 
Great soundstaging speakers = 2k
Mirage bi-polars and Ohm Walsh speakers are good recommendations for giving you a wide listening area, though I haven't heard the current generationg Ohm speakers so can't vouch for them. The Mirages tend to be warm and laid-back. A bit harder to ... 
Martin Logan - wow
Plato -The low-frequency resonance phenomenon you mention can indeed produce a very significant response peak if it isn't adequately addressed.Roger West of Sound Lab uses a patented technique called "distributed resonance", wherein he divides up ... 
Are there speakers after Stax?
PlatoOne of my Sound Lab customers was using full-sized (80" tall by 35" wide) Millennium-1's in a 12-by-12 foot room. At a listening distance of six feet or so, that's almost like listening to a giant pair of electrostatic headphones, isn't it??P... 
The Fastest most musical amp
SchubertMANIAC -YEEEESH! Thanks for correcting me!Okay folks, ignore my post above postulating that Spectral amps can be used with cables other than MIT.Duke 
The Fastest most musical amp
My recollection is that Spectral and Goldmund have the highest slew rates among solid state amplifiers (1,000 volts per microsecond, I think). Atma-Sphere is certainly among the fastest tube amps, with a slew rate of 600 volts per microsecond. Not... 
Martin Logan - wow
Greetings Ehart -And welcome to the wonderful world of electrostats! There are several different flavors out there. Let me describe four of them for you, and you can see what direction makes the most sense for you.1. InnerSound - These are probabl... 
Great Rock & Roll speakers?
Fishwater -There is a pair of used Coincident Partial Eclipses on Audiogon now. The higher efficiency of these speakers would give you plenty of headroom, and I think you'll find them to be articulate and nicely voiced. I can't say for sure they'l... 
Has anyone demo'd the Martin Logan Clarity?
Marcos, were you by any chance in Audio Resource in Metairie, Louisiana? I was there this evening for a little get-together that included Gale Sanders, and spent a while listening to the new Claritys there.The Clarity impressed me quite a bit. I r... 
Help -- my system is too bright
You might try a Shunyata Research power cord on your Krell. I've had customers report that their Shunyata helped take that bright edge off an otherwise fine-sounding Krell amp. If you find an older King Cobra for sale, you might try it out. If you... 
which speakers best for my system /musical taste?
I'm an ATC dealer, but looking over your system and your preferences, I think Sogood's advice is excellent, and he already is using Krell with VMPS so we have his input on that synergy being a very good one. I would suggest the VMPS over either th... 
Advise Needed, Best speakers for approx $15,000
Hello Magoo,How about a trip to New Orleans? We have several dealers here carrying such brands as JM Labs, Wilson Audio, and Vandersteen. I'm also a dealer for the JC-1's, and could give you an audition of Sound Lab full-range electrostats driven ...