
Responses from audiokinesis

speaker with high WAF
The Cain & Cain Abbey is a very nice loudspeaker, but you'll have to take care in amplifier matching. Terry Cain's woodwork is exquisite. Somewhat limited in bass extension and maximum output level, but very coherent. The Abbeys would probably... 
Would you buy speakers with out first listening ?
Back in my "civilian" days, I bought speakers without listening to them first on several occasions, generally with good results. If you count all my DIY projects (which I had to pay for before hearing), then that would add another fifty or so. Res... 
Speakers that work with Atma-sphere M60 amps.
Speakers I've heard work well with the Atma-Sphere M60 include models from Classic Audio Reproductions, Omega, Quad (the 57's), Avantgarde, and the new GedLee "Summa". Disclaimer - I peddle some of these. While there are others that I'm sure would... 
Wilson Audio, Talon, Rockport and B&W
Like Brian I don't sell any of these speakers, and like Brian my recommendation would be the Rockports. Duke 
Speakers Against Side Walls
Gradient Revolutions, which use a dipole bass system and controlled directivity in the midrange and highs, work quite well against side walls but don't put them in a corner. While they are not designed specifically to go up against the side walls,... 
Name some full range speakers.
Sound Lab full-range electrostats aren't spec'd to 20 Hz, but I have customers who have measured their M-1's, A-1's, and U-1's as having substantial output in that region.A few months ago I delivered a pair of A-1's to a customer's house, and he w... 
Speaker upgrade help needed: 4500$ used
You can easily accomplish what you want at that price range.Given that "holographic soundstaging and best imaging" are at the top of your list, then a first-order crossover speaker or a single full-range driver speaker are the most promising appro... 
Atma-sphere M60s. What preamps work well?
Atma-Sphere amps and Atma-Sphere pre's are indeed an excellent match. You might consider the MP-3 with the new regulated power supply option (just recently available). Atma-Sphere amps do sound best when run in balanced mode.The M-60's have a rath... 
Sound lab - Eminent Technology - Innersound
Hello Sedona,I sell SoundLABs and used to own Dynastats, have some experience with InnerSounds, and have only heard Eminience Technology speakers under show conditions. To me the ET's didn't have the articulation of the electrostats, but then most... 
Are the Monolith III better than Requests?
I really like the big Monoliths - I like that big panel and the low, low crossover point to what's virtually a dedicated subwoofer. In my opinion the Monolith was probably the most enjoyable hybrid Martin Logan made this side of the Statement. 
After Quad ESL's?
Disclaimer - I'm going to suggest stuff that I peddle. I'm a Quad fan, and have tried hard to find more "conventional" speakers that do some of the same things right.You might want to consider the Gradient Revolutions. The designer, Jorma Salmi, u... 
Great Plains Audio Fest
Sounds great!I plan on attending, and hope to display a new high-efficiency loudspeaker and a new single-ended triode amplifier, each from a new manufacturer. From what I understand Wayne Parham will be there with some of his Pi Speakers, and seve... 
Anyone tried Soundlab Dynastats out of phase?
I don't have Dynastats at the moment, but thanks for passing this along for other owners! It's an easy enough tweak to try out. I never would have thought of it, though, so appreciate your taking the time to post. Duke 
Can you have a huge 3D soundstage in a small room?
My room is similar to yours in dimensions, and I can get excellent depth and a fairly wide soundstage but still not as wide as in a wider room. On some recordings, I can get sounds coming from outside the speakers and even directly to the right or... 
Where do I go from here ? Spectron Musician II
I have friends and customers who've told me the Parasound Halo JC-1 works very well with Maggies. I can tell you that the JC-1 has a very smooth, grain-free, extended top end, which is not often the case with high-powered solid state amplifiers. I...