
Responses from audiokinesis

Education: Best place for Audio Engineering?
Hello Nicholas,I spent most of my adult life in an industry that I did not enjoy, and now I'm peddling audio gear, which I love. I still fantasize about designing loudspeakers, but the reality is I couldn't pass the math classes it would take to h... 
Speaker position
The sadly discontinued Snell Type A was designed to be placed with its back up against the wall. This was one of the most intelligently designed speakers ever made. You might find a used pair; the woofers sag after a while and the surrounds may ha... 
New Management at Atma-Sphere Music Systems
I've been an Atma-Sphere dealer for several years now, and can't help but share Rushton's concern at not having seen Ralph's stamp of approval in a posting of his own. I read the press release which indicates Ralph's wholehearted approval, but fra... 
Magnan Signature speaker cable
Hello Alex,Congrats on being an IRS Beta owner! That's a superb loudspeaker system. I've sold quite a few pairs of Magnan Signature speaker cabling to customers who own electrostatic loudspeakers (Sound Labs, Martin Logans, and Quads). I've also s... 
Pass amps
I haven't actually heard the combination, so this is only speculation: I think the Pass Alephs might work well with the Merlins, but I don't think the X series would be a very good choice in this case. My experience suggests that the Merlins prefe... 
No posting from me for awhile
What a wonderful job you have - thanks for sharing so much of it with us via your photo essays.Wish you a great trip, Albert - see you in Denver!Duke 
Mirage,Ohm,Vandy,Maggies:Spacious Sound/Bass
Extremely spacious/wide sweet spot designs include models from Shahinian, Duevel, Wolcott, Sound Lab, Beveridge, MBL, Mirage, Ohm, and probably a few others. (Disclaimer - I sell Sound Lab wide-pattern electrostats.) The Maggies do give a very spa... 
New Audiogon Categories?
I'd kinda like to see a "Speaker Parts" category, as DIY speaker builders often have drivers, cabinets, horns, or crossover parts they'd like to sell (or buy). I've sold some stuf on E-bay that I'd have rather offered to Audiogoners. 
Avantgarde UNO's 2.2 advice needed
Hello Satyam,You might consider the Classic Audio Reproductions T-5. Fairly high efficiency, high impedance (16 ohms nominal as I recall), and very high quality components in an attractive wooden enclosure. Stunningly lively and dynamic. I can't s... 
Great bass amp SS for 15" 8 ohm woof 800hz max
Hello Hicourt,Apart from subwoofer applications, it really is important to match up the amplifiers as close as possible in a bi-amplified system. I have several customers who have tried solid state on bass, tubes on mids & highs in their syste... 
Seeking $15,000.00 speaker to replace Quad 988's
Hi Jonathan,I have about three to four dozen Sound Lab customers, and most have never had any problems. I have a friend in Las Vegas whose 17 year old Sound Labs still work fine and have never had anything done to them. There have been times in th... 
Seeking $15,000.00 speaker to replace Quad 988's
At the risk of being totally predictable, I think you'd find a pair of full-sized Sound Labs to be a worthwhile upgrade over the Quads. And as a former Thor dealer, I'm quite confident your big Thor amps could drive 'em. Several of my customers ar... 
Unusual Room Shape - Placement and Soundlab ?
Despite your valiant effort, I'm still not quite able to figure out your room.Do you have to listen through the 10-foot opening between the bookshelves?Sound Labs would probably work as well as anything else, provided you can locate 'em out into t... 
Hi Ray,Hank has technicians who can build and service the amps, though I think he's pretty much the R&D department. Many companies survive the retirement of their founder. Also, I have a technician here in New Orleans who can service Wolcott a... 
What amp & preamp to go with JM Lab ?
I would suggest a push-pull tube amp for the Electras; there are plenty of models out there that should work well.