
Responses from audiokinesis

I think there's an excellent chance your Martin Logans will work at least as well as anything else; I'd say give 'em a fair chance before succumbing to "new speaker fever". Put 'em right up against the side walls, treat the area along the sidewall... 
speaker cable for Sound Lab M-1
I'm aware of Sound Lab owners using speaker cables from (in alphabetical order) Analysis Plus, Audience, Goertz Kimber, Magnan, Nordost, Purist Audio, Tara Labs, and TG Audio. I'm sure there are others. I sell some of these. The Sound Labs are a v... 
getting more bass out of meadowlarks
To increase the bass, one would normally move the speakers closer to the room boundaries - in this case, closer to the corners. You might want to remove the pillows from the corners, as they may well be absorbing a fair amount of bass energy. Now ... 
Best Small Speakers
Get out your grains of salt and/or hip waders - dealer plugging his wares here. You might consider the Omega Super 3R, which uses a modified Fostex full-range driver in an exceptionally inert reflex enclosure. This speaker is fairly high in effici... 
MG 20.1 or Wisdom audio m-75
Hello Shaman,Cool moniker.I agree wholeheartedly with Tpsonic and Jbm on the importance of using the same amp for top and bottom when biamping the Wisdoms. The same thing goes for the big Maggies - don't try to mix 'n' match amplifiers. I've only ... 
SoundLab A-1 vs Martin Logan CLS IIz's
Hi Harry,Sound Lab A-1's are, in my opinion, among the few speakers that are worthy successors to the excellent Martin Logan CLS's. Of course the fact that I'm a Sound Lab dealer does not in any way cloud or bias my opinion.... ;-]For some movies,... 
Is this rude?
My suggestion would be to call the store and tell them what you just told us - what your price range is, and what you're looking for (the best speakers in that price range, with particular interest in used Josephs or JM Labs or Sonus Fabers). Ask ... 
Matching an amp to speakers for beginners?
Hi Petequad,Thanks for taking the time to play twenty questions! Okay, it looks to me like your highest loudspeaker priorities are (more or less in order): Clarity and nuance; presentation reminiscent of a good jazz club; freedom from boxiness &am... 
Classe DR-25 worth buying?
I have a DR-3, which I think is a predecessor of the DR-25. The amp has excellent clarity and liveliness. To find is sonic competition, among amplifiers I'm familiar with I'd have to step into at least the four grand retail ballpark (and maybe mor... 
Matching an amp to speakers for beginners?
Hello Petequad,My suggestion would be that you make your speaker selection first, as that's the most important choice, and will dictate the direction of your amplifier choice. Once you've chosen speakers, you'll know how much power you need, and w... 
Ribbon tweeters/speakers recommendations Please
Ribbon or planar magnetic high frequency drivers show up in models from Newform Research, VMPS, Bohlender-Graebener, Selah Audio, Soundline Audio, Genesis, Eminent Technology, Ambience, Jupiter Audio, and Magnepan. I'm sure there are others, but t... 
Shahinian Obelisk loudspeakers
Personally, I think $1,000 is a high price for a nineteen year old pair of Obelisks, unless their condition is really superb. 
Time alignment, important? long
Semi,I'm certainly no expert here, but will offer my $.02 worth. Hopefully Roy Johnson of Green Mountain Audio will drop in on us.First, assuming constant temperature and pressure, the speed of sound is the same regardless of the frequency being r... 
"Best" amp/pre-amp for Joseph Audio Rm7 Sig MkII
What amplifiers has Jeff Joseph shown with? His rooms at CES and other trade shows are consistently praised as being among the best-sounding, and that doesn't happen without good system synergy. Just a thought. 
"3 Dimensional Sound"?
I have a very hastily-produced recording that clearly illustrates height information. On some cuts the vocalist's microphone is physically set too high, causing his voice to sound like it's coming from down near the floor. On some it's too low, so...