
Responses from audiokinesis

Crossover-less Speakers
Undertow, I'm not backlashing at Zu. Please re-read my posts above. And it probably looks like I'm persecuting Macrojack, but most of my loudness is really just trying to make a point. I DO NOT think this is what happened: Fifteen months ago Macro... 
Crossover-less Speakers
Macrojack, you are attempting a mis-direction. I don't care how much business you actually have or have not done for Zu or Grado or whoever. You have agreed to provide the services a competent dealer would provide should the occasion arise in retu... 
Crossover-less Speakers
Sorry about taking your thread on a tangent there. I used to be an Omega dealer, but the only models I ever had were those with the light-yellow coned Fostex drivers. When I started doing my own thing - which was conceptually fairly similar - I di... 
Crossover-less Speakers
Macrojack, you disclosed to probably everyone reading this thread except for me an affiliation that they didn't previously know about. And you disclosed to me how long ago it started. That's disclosing SOMETHING, dude. Here are my responses to you... 
Crossover-less Speakers
Thanks for responding, Macrojack, and fully disclosing your affiliation with Zu. I was pretty rough on you there, but now I can see that there are two sides to it. In my opinion the readers have a right to judge for themselves whether or not an af... 
Crossover-less Speakers
Supravox's 8" field-coil driver in the factory-recommended enclosure is probably the best-sounding high efficiency crossoverless speaker I've heard (I've never owned a pair). Incredible imaging (I'm not normally an imaging freak, but these really ... 
Determining reflection points
Mrjstark is correct for most speakers, and correct about the mirror technique.Note that line-source speakers don't have a significant floor and ceiling first reflection. Note that bipoles and dipoles will have a significant first reflection off of... 
the smoothest sounding speaker
A speaker can be made to sound smooth by designing in a frequency response dip in the lower treble region (somewhere around 2 kHz to 5 kHz). The Silverlines mentioned by Zapper and Bondmanp often have a pronounced dip in this region and I think th... 
What makes instrument immediacy, -separation & -bo
StonedTemplePilot,There's a trade-off relationship between immediacy and richness. The more dominant the first-arrival sound, the more immediate (front-of-the-hall) the presentation. The more dominant the reverberant energy, the more rich and ambi... 
Any experience with SP Technology Timepiece spkrs?
I have heard them several times at audio shows. Very, very nice speakers. I like the concept and I like the execution, and in fact if I didn't offer something conceptually fairly similar then SP Tech would be in my line-up. Dukedealer/manufacturer 
Stolen SoundLabs - just in case...
I just got a call from the Barstow Police Department that they found my car with the trailer still attached and locked shut. It sounds like all the big pieces are there and okay, except for damage to the ignition system. It was still in Barstow, o... 
Stolen SoundLabs - just in case...
Thank you all for your words of encouragement and your excellent suggestions. I will be watching Craiglist and Ebay and putting on my disguise and posing as a customer if they show up. The cops drove me around Barstow truck stops and other seclude... 
$40.000 speaker advise. Check out my list
From your list:1. Avalon. The designer does an excellent job of getting good power response out of his speakers. If I were going to carry an ultra-high-end "conventional" speaker, Avalon would be among my top choices. 2. Either Sonus Faber or Rock... 
Looking for the next best thing? Underground welco
Hi Joman,Thanks for the kind words. I think some extra keystrokes may have crept into your last line - perhaps what you meant to say was "Duke is also a human being."I have one pair of my speakers in the basement right now, so does that qualify as... 
solution for a very bright room?
Desoto,With a fairly live room (which is what I prefer), my inclination is towards speakers with uniform directivity over as much of the spectrum as is practical. This is because the tonal balance will be dominated by the reverberant energy in the...