
Responses from audiokinesis

Will line conditioner do anything for the other receptacle in a duplex?
A Richard Gray’s Power Company will have its full effect when plugged into the other receptacle. Let me describe an unusual application of a Power Company: I was living in an old house that had several 120 volt window air conditioning units. The c... 
New speakers dilemma for vinyls... Heeelp! :)))
I don’t know whether Zingali has anything in your price range, but they might offer a European competitor to the Volti Razz and Tekton DI. Duke 
Distributed Bass Array configuration
There are circumstances under which a pure 80 Hz tone can be localized and circumstances under which it cannot. Outdoors or under anechoic conditions, yes. In a home-audio-sized listening room, very unlikely. This is because the reflections start ... 
Distributed Bass Array configuration
My name has come up a few times in this thread.  I don't really see how to participate without either taking a side in an emotionally-charged "us versus them" thing that I want no part of, or turning into a self-appointed thread nanny.  Until I fi... 
If you own quality monitor speakers you want to read this new review
@dbphd asked, " What’s quasi-anechoic mean?" Usually the term refers to loudspeaker frequency response measurements taken with a "gated" measurement system. This is a system which turns on the microphone long enough to capture the output from the ... 
What process did you use to integrate multiple subwoofers for 2 channel listening?
@hilde45 wrote: "...the orange "morning" line is speakers only.  Improvement from "Morning scan, without subs" to "Afternoon scan, with subs" mitigates the dip significantly at various points, e.g. pulling up a null by 10 db at 129 hz, by 8 db ... 
Dynaudio Evidence Temptation and tube amps?
A tube amp typically delivers approximately the same power (wattage) into the speaker across the spectrum despite the impedance curve’s ups and downs, while a solid state amp typically delivers more power (more wattage) into impedance dips, and le... 
What process did you use to integrate multiple subwoofers for 2 channel listening?
@hilde45 , thanks for your answers. You’ve obviously worked very hard on this and your results really are quite good, which makes that 88 Hz peak stick out like a sore thumb all the moreso! Might it be a floor-to-ceiling mode? Do you have a lower ... 
What process did you use to integrate multiple subwoofers for 2 channel listening?
@tvad, thanks for the thumbs-up! Not that this will ever be a question on Audiophile Jeopardy, but the the first generation Swarm came out way back in 2006. @mapman wrote: “One other thing. I know audiokinesis is big on speaker dispersion patterns... 
Tube vs. Solid State Amplifiers
@goofyfoot , even if you were in the market it's extremely unlikely I'd be involved in any transactions, as for one thing your use of the term "valves" makes me think you're in Europe, and I'm in Texas.   But if I can ever potentially help with sp... 
Tube vs. Solid State Amplifiers
@goofyfoot wrote: "atmasphere, certainly would like to own an Atmasphere valve amp. Understanding the options better would help in deciding which one. " I’m one of Ralph’s dealers and also a speaker manufacturer. If by "the options" you mean "spea... 
Chained speakers signal connected in series
Unless the two loudspeakers are identical, there will be some modification of the frequency response of BOTH speakers. It does not matter which is first and which is second in the series. The difference may or may not be small, it depends on the s... 
Excellent Speakers for Classical Music - $2,000 USD Budget
IF you have sufficient placement flexibility I suggest Magnepans, be they new or used. When positioned about five feet out from the "front" wall, the spectrally-correct backwave energy of the Maggies arrives after a sufficiently long time delay th... 
Has Anyone Ever Run TWO Identical Pairs of Speakers ?
Fiesta75 wrote: "Also series speaker connections are not recommended by anyone I know." Well, you don’t know me, but I recommend (and use) series speaker connections in situations where it makes sense to do so, which of course depends on the speci... 
Has Anyone Ever Run TWO Identical Pairs of Speakers ?
@onhwy61 wrote: "If you must go this route I suggest you try placing the loudspeakers front to back. One loudspeaker pointed towards the listening area and the other pointing in the opposite direction. Something of a bipole radiation pattern."Agre...