
Responses from audiokinesis

Bookshelf Speaker Stand Difference?
You can use museum putty to get a secure connection between speaker and stand. I'm finishing up the crossover for an expensive speaker stand today.  Duke  
subwoofer advice
Snapsnap, if I understand correctly, you want to power your passive subs with the amplifiers which are already in your active subs, is that right?   If so, that's extremely unlikely to be feasible.  The amps in your active subs are matched to the ... 
Tweeter/Mid minimum amp power rating for magnepan 20.1 in active setup?
Thank you, psilonaught. Eyeballing Stereophile’s impedance curve of the MG-20, it looks like 4 ohms nominal (for the mid/tweet section) with a ballpark 12-ohm peak a little south of 2 kHz. That’s a 3-to-1 peak; not horrendous, but not insignifican... 
Calling all electrostatic speaker owners
The paint will destroy your electrostats. The panels will no longer hold an electrostatic charge. Duke Electrostat owner starting in 1995, SoundLab dealer since 1999 
Tweeter/Mid minimum amp power rating for magnepan 20.1 in active setup?
What does the impedance curve look like for the mid/tweet section of your 20.1's?   Imo the impedance curve plays a significant role in amplifier matching.    Are you using an active crossover, or the passive crossover in the speakers?   If the la... 
Speaker sensitivity vs SQ
@atmasphere wrote:  "Harmonic orders above the 2nd decrease rather slowly as compared to a circuit that has a ’cubic non-linearity’ (produces the 3rd as the primary distortion component). An amplifier that has this quality has its distortion de... 
We spend too much time talking about tweeters
I think I understand where Erik is coming from. In terms of how much energy a loudspeaker puts out, typically relatively little is actually delivered by the tweeter. In terms of wattage, a typical tweeter might see 5% to 15% of the wattage that th... 
Speaker sensitivity vs SQ
@ctsooner wrote:  "it's simply not true to make a statement that a higher sensitivity speaker is more costly to make..."   Based on sixteen years of manufacturing fairly high efficiency speakers, I disagree.   The enclosure is usually the most e... 
Speaker sensitivity vs SQ
@erik_squires wrote:  "Another area where attribution is difficult, the dynamic nature of high efficiency systems.   "Is it that, or is it the controlled dispersion?   "I'm not saying low compression speakers aren't good. I'm saying that some o... 
Speaker sensitivity vs SQ
Mijostyn wrote:  "A speaker that can hit 110dB without compression is going to be more dynamic than a speaker that can only get to 100 dB even if it is less efficient."   Agreed.   Mijostyn again:  "Another issue is trying to run 15" woofers up... 
Speaker sensitivity vs SQ
@erik_squires wrote: "As studies in learning and acoustics have shown, filtering out noise is energy consuming. Your brain works harder in an acoustically messy environment and I absolutely feel it." Totally agree. In home audio, "your brain works... 
Speaker sensitivity vs SQ
@erik_squires wrote:  " I should point out that we should not attribute thermal compression to what might also be bad acoustics. Very reflective environments will have similar audible results, in at least as similar as you can type about them. ... 
The Intellectual People Podcast - Dr. Earl Geddes
@teo_audio - Kenjit wrote to me about Earl Geddes and his speakers in both 2019 and 2020.  Duke 
Speaker sensitivity vs SQ
@erik_squires , thank you very much for that information on Siegfried Linkwitz's tone burst tests!     I was aware of the article in Stereophile years ago which "debunked" short-term thermal compression, but the methodology in the test was flawed ... 
Speaker sensitivity vs SQ
@mijostyn wrote: "Duke, your friend has more work to do. There are so many factors involved that I doubt you can make a blanket statement that high efficiency speakers are ALL more dynamic than low efficiency speakers of various types given appro...