
Responses from audiokinesis

Speakers need to be placed close to back wall. Help
Regarding the Jern cast-iron loudspeakers: The castings are what’s known as "grey iron" which is incredibly inert, they are probably the most inert material that loudspeaker enclosures have ever been made from (and one of the heaviest, so we’re n... 
Speakers need to be placed close to back wall. Help
@rustler, I think that's a WONDERFUL gift!! Pardon me for muddying of the waters, you've probably already considered all of this, but just in case... If either of them have any interest in our hobby, OR if either if them are good candidates for ... 
Speaker positioning and center image depth
@blisshifi , if we can trick the ear into accepting the spatial cues on the recording as being the more plausible "package" of cues, rather than the spatial cues inherent to the playback room, we can achieve that elusive "you are there" experience... 
Speaker positioning and center image depth
@blisshifi, my impression is that soundstage depth can either be dominated by the room or by the recording, the latter being preferable but generally more difficult to accomplish. First looking at the room as the constraining factor: As a ballpar... 
Higher sensitivity - more dynamic sound?
@jhills wrote: "... it seems a bit irrelevant unless you are listening at live concert SPLs (104 - 115+ db)." In my experience freedom from compression effects is audible at pretty much all volume levels, including low levels, which is where I n... 
Which pair of speakers changed your Hifi life?
Sound Lab Millennium 1, a large full-range electrostatic.  I bought the first pair in 1999, unseen and unheard, and they impressed me so much that I changed careers (taking a big pay cut) and became a high-end audio dealer.   The first time I hea... 
Higher sensitivity - more dynamic sound?
@deludedaudiophile wrote: "can you comment on room response of line arrays? "... I expect that electrostatic speakers and large planar speakers must be fairly immune to these power compression / thermal modulation effects within limits?" The ro... 
Higher sensitivity - more dynamic sound?
@inscrutable wrote: "if the amplifier has a very large - let’s say infinite - current capability, so can maintain voltage to be applied as the speakers impedance changes with signal frequency changes …?" A constant-voltage amplifier will put out... 
Higher sensitivity - more dynamic sound?
@deludedaudiophile, to quote my favorite line from The Princess Bride, with poetic license invoked: "Speaker design is tradeoffs, Highness. Anyone who says differently is in marketing." Duke  
Higher sensitivity - more dynamic sound?
@deludedaudiophile wrote: "I was more thinking smart people, i.e. like what I see with Kii, as a start, will figure out some way to compensate for these effects in real time." I think you are right, though there is a limit to how much compressio... 
Higher sensitivity - more dynamic sound?
@deludedaudiophile wrote: "You are convincing me more and more that active is the way to go long term." Going active will have no direct impact on driver compression effects, but if you are "rolling your own", going active may make it easier for... 
Higher sensitivity - more dynamic sound?
@lonemountain wrote: "my point about dynamic range was "system dynamics" not one system vs another. The 86dB efficiency speaker on a 250W amp has more total dynamics to cover incoming source material of a wider dynamic content than the 102dB/20w ... 
Higher sensitivity - more dynamic sound?
@lonemountain , I don’t follow your reasoning. You said: "So your 102dB 1w/1m speaker may not have such good dynamics with a 20W amp if 1W= 102dB SPL then .2W=105, 4W =108, 8W =111, 16W=114dB SPL and that’s it! That’s 12dB of dynamic range. "86d... 
Higher sensitivity - more dynamic sound?
@deludedaudiophile, There are multiple mechanisms by which powert compression can occur, and minimizing them just about always favors high-efficiency designs. This will not be a textbook-comprehensive look at the topic, and I will make some gener... 
Looking for speaker recommendations
@rooze , My understanding (based on the works of Earl Geddes and David Griesinger) is that the radiation pattern can widen at the low end, as with a "hybrid horn" speaker such as the Cornwall. As far as which such speakers I have actual experien...