
Responses from audiokinesis

New set up in asymmetrical room - speaker placement etc
While we don't normally think of it this way, my understanding is that the audibility (and objectionability, if that's a word) of reflections is somewhat level-dependent.  One thought-experiment example would be a grand piano in the kitchen - it w... 
Help with Shortlist of Speakers! (SF vs Devore vs Others?)
Thank you very much for the additional information, jpearson3131. I suggest the Larsen 8 or Larsen 9 as candidates for your situation. Here is a review of the Larsen 9; the reviewer is a concert violinist (whose day job is high up in the math depa... 
Help with Shortlist of Speakers! (SF vs Devore vs Others?)
Thanks for providing so much information via your linked drawing and photos. What comes to mind is, speakers optimized to go up against the wall, of which there are not very many but they do exist. Larsen comes to mind. There seems to be a column ... 
My New Magnepan 1.7i's sound dull and lifeless on the top end...why?
Getting good measurements of large dipole loudspeakers is not trivial. By way of example, John Atkinson uses a fairly sophisticated quasi-anechoic measurement technique and you can see his frequency response measurement of the Magnepan LSR on this... 
Maggies with a subwoofer system - optimization?
Hi Tom, if I understand your situation correctly, there is no way to highpass filter the signal before your Krell amplifies it and sends it to the Maggies.   Theoretically you could roll off the bass going to the Maggies by placing a highpass filt... 
Large Focal Speakers Shipping Service
I am under the impression that a piano moving company might be an option, but I have never used one.   
Pinotnoir, either the MA-1 or the MA-2 would work well with your speakers. SoundLab has shown with both models, and my understanding is that, of the two, they more recently showed with the MA-1s at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. By the way, congratula... 
I’ve been involved with SoundLabs since 1999 and in my experience Atma-Sphere amps are an especially good match with them. As a new dealer I was frustrated that SoundLab wasn’t giving me an amplifier recommendation. So I asked a different question... 
What is the most important component to consider while building a new system?
Amp + speakers + room = a "system within a system". These three need to work together well.  Not saying these are the most important individually, but imo their synergy is.  Duke 
Distributed Bass Array configuration
@scm asked, " When using the crawl method and picking the best spot for Sub #1 are you supposed to then power up Sub #1 while crawling for Sub #2`s best spot and so on with each sub thereafter....??" Yes. When doing the Crawl to set up a Swarm or ... 
Distributed Bass Array configuration
@cleeds wrote: " That is completely false, notwithstanding your use of ALLCAPS for emphasis. See any basic audiology text for proof, which will show the range of increased sensitivity is typically in the midrange, 2000 - 5000 kHz. " My bad for not... 
Distributed Bass Array configuration
@mapman wrote:  "I think its a fallacy if some are asserting setting up multiple subs properly is easier than one."   @golfnutz wrote:   "I agree, using the 'throwing darts' method isn't the way I'd install a $3200 subwoofer system."  I realize t... 
New set up in asymmetrical room - speaker placement etc
@millercarbon, THANK YOU for posting that link! I hadn’t seen it before and I REALLY LIKE Steve’s offset diagonal configuration.  Duke 
New set up in asymmetrical room - speaker placement etc
"Sorry, you lost me there..."   Let's start with your current configuration.  Imagine looking down on your room from above, so that it looks like a square (almost).   The speakers are at the top of the square, with the bay window on one side, and ... 
New set up in asymmetrical room - speaker placement etc
You might try a diagonal orientation, with the bay window along one of the rear walls rather than one of the front ones.  This can angle the first sidewall reflections so that they miss the listening position.  And it doesn't need to be a perfect ...