

Responses from atmasphere

Are linear tracking arms better than pivoted arms?
Lewm, I built a servo for the Rabco (which uses contacts, not relays) so the contact had only to get below 1 Megohm and the motor would run. Then I put a large capacitor across the motor so it would ramp up slowly and turn off slowly. The result w... 
Atma-Sphere S30 MKII
The signal paths of the two amps are the same. The Merlins appreciate the extra power though.BTW the ASOG site got shut down in October of 2004. A good portion of it is archived on the OTL Asylum at audioasylum.comhttp://www.audioasylum.com/forums... 
Whoosh sound on power off
Jibbonacci, sometimes certain tubes can do that. Its not anything that can damage the amp. In time, you may get audible artifacts from the tube while the amp is playing- that would be the time that I would pay attention. In the meantime- no worries. 
Atma-sphere 3.0 to 3.1
The 3.1 update is a change to the voltage amplifier. It affects all our amplifiers. The change reduces measurable distortion- by about 90% at full power.Distortion has two audible properties in audio circuits, the first being that it causes harshn... 
help me remove noise from my vinyl setup
It sounds like the noise is coming from the preamp itself.so you can:Get a higher output cartridgeorGet a step-up transformer to go between the cartridge and the preampor get another preamp. 
which is better ? MC phono stage or MM+step-up ?
IME you can get excellent results with an SUT but the cartridge and the SUT must be matched for best results, including all the loading issues, as cartridges have loading issues and SUTs have loading issues of their own and neither can be ignored.... 
Are linear tracking arms better than pivoted arms?
I have owned several linear tracking arms.Air bearings don't work. I am sure all of you have noticed that the more pressure you put in the arm, the better it sounds. The problem is that there is a violation of a fundamental turntable design rule, ... 
Amplification for Wilson Watt Puppy 7s or 8s
Dob, thanks for your input. As far as the musical peaks thing goes, FWIW I am used to seeing those meters move a little- the fact that they don't on the Sashas in the system I heard says to me they are easy to drive.Given the amps you mentioned, I... 
help me remove noise from my vinyl setup
What happens when you pull the connections from the sound card? Does the noise go away? 
DCS Puccini into Lamm M 1.2 w/o preamp?
I'm with Kyomi_audio on this one. The problem is what defines a 'truly great preamp'. I have a very short list :) 
Dynaco PAS 2 value and difference to PAS 3?
Emorrisiv, some are replacements, others are updates of one sort or another.Since I don't like the unit to grow into multiple chassis, I keep the original power transformer and supply. That means that the line stage I have for it has to not draw m... 
Dynaco PAS 2 value and difference to PAS 3?
Emorrisiv, the PAS can drive our amps just fine!There is a way to eliminate one coupling cap in the phono circuit. I usually build a new line stage as well- one that has no feedback. I usually retain the original power transformer (if the mods don... 
Tubes vs. solid state.
Tube dampers work but they have limited effect. You are best off avoiding microphonic tubes if you can. 
Wilson Audio's New Sound?
IME/IMO the reason that there are so many varied opinions about the Wilsons is very similar to the varied opinions you hear about Sound Lab or a lot of other excellent speakers.A really good speaker is revealing of what you put on them, and some a... 
Amplification for Wilson Watt Puppy 7s or 8s
Dob, you might want to try it before you write off tubes with the WPs. There was a resonant peak that you referred to in the Watts at 2KHz, so Wilson installed a trap that set the impedance to 2 ohms or less. What do many transistor amps do with l...