

Responses from atmasphere

What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?
There are tons and tons of factors in a power cord that effect sound quality.  Resistance is one of hundreds....Bandwidth?  You need wide bandwidth to carry 60 cycles?    Actually, you do....and you don't......long story.  What about all the othe... 
What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?
Ralph would have us all buy 4 guage power cords and use whatever for line level (Mogami is fine, with him....a friend of mine started with Mogami and thought is was good...then he tried two others that BLEW away the Mogami).  He has said over and... 
Matching the cartridge to the phono stage
As for your last point about how the preamp design deals with the RFI, isn't some level of variability in load resistance needed? The market for MC carts presents a lot of options, all of which have very different specs. Or am I not understanding... 
Is My Tube Amp Unfixable? Help Needed
OK, now we are getting somewhere because without the input tube (12AU7), the noise has vanished...gone. So Ralph, I'm assuming a good tech would simply check for bad components in the input stage? And I'm guessing this also eliminates things like... 
Recommendation Request for Tube Power Amplifier
@kevemaher  If your speakers really are 86dB, something to consider is that tube power has always been expensive, which is why in the old days high efficiency speakers were common. It was not until the advent of cheap solid state power that a spe... 
What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?
Those with Ralph's amp can do a quick test.....just remove the covers and remove all the hardware on the toroidal transformer.....lift it off the chassis and place a quarter inch thick piece of wood underneath.....put the transformer back down an... 
What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?
Generalized statements are painful. While Ralph may prioritize noise elimination, is it true that he believes it is the only thing that matters? @blisshifi Of course not! @ricevs apparently has a lot of misconceptions and is putting words in my... 
Matching the cartridge to the phono stage
The Hana SL has been on my table for the past two years, running into a Parasound JC3 Jr. (which allows me to adjust MC load using a variable pot that runs from 50-550 ohms). I can say that the differences in load between 100-400 are subtle, but ... 
Do Your Speakers have LEVEL CONTROLS or EQUALIZERS? (Vintage or Modern) ???
Their literature is clear: to adjust for 'live/hard' rooms, or 'soft/dead' rooms (of various degrees of soft or hard of course); for various locations in a space; for an individual's preference. @elliottbnewcombjr Yes, I'm sure the document sai... 
Is My Tube Amp Unfixable? Help Needed
Btw, the amp is noisy no matter where it's operated, so not an RFI issue from what I can tell. @bojack The RFI could be generated by the amp itself due to oscillation.  
What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?
Folks, just so you know, if you are going to be successful with a class D product, one thing it has to do is meet EU Directives for radiation, so it can obtain the CE mark for use in Europe. In the US, you have to meet FCC part 15. But its more t... 
Is My Tube Amp Unfixable? Help Needed
@bojack Don't panic! This is solvable.  The first thing to do in a situation like this is move the monoblock to the other channel and see if it does it there. Apparently the other monoblock is fine, right? If its quiet in the other location, th... 
Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
Is there an official answer whether or not it’s ok to leave the atma-sphere class d amps on 24/7? Its fine. The only concern is when turning a preamp on or off you might get a substantial thump so I would shut the amps off during those times.  
300b lovers
What is the minimal inductance is acceptable for 6sn7 interstage transformer ? 80H, 70H, 60H? The problem is transformers with high inductance have narrow high frequency bandwidth. But if interstage transformer doesn’t have high enough inductan... 
What are the best GaN Amplifiers available today?
Maybe since you’re now on this thread, could I ask you to share how you voiced your GaN monos, especially in comparison to your OTLs? Did you attempt to preserve the same level of openness and bandwidth to your other amps (albeit making it easier...