

Responses from atmasphere

The HH Scott 350 A MultiplexCircuitry
Did they perform a stereo multiplex alignment? 
Power Filtering vs Power Regeneration?
No.How's that for a simple answer? It sounds like the amp has a switching power supply. 
Philosophy: Bearing vs. Unipivot
I owned a Rabco for years. I set it up with an opamp to sense the feeler contacts to reduce noise (I got tired of the feelers not making good contact, which would result in the arm lifting off at random points on the LP...) At the same time I also... 
Philosophy: Bearing vs. Unipivot
?? I'd be interesting in seeing how that applies here.I don't like unipivots because the bearing is so easy to damage. I've never seen an older one come through the shop that did not have a damaged bearing. It is the Achilles heel of unipivots.Its... 
Power Filtering vs Power Regeneration?
4% variation in voltage should be no worries. If the equipment cannot manage that it can be considered to be problematic. It is useful to ask what voltage the equipment is set up for though. If 235V instead of 240V, 250V is boarding on excessive. ... 
Requesting info on Audio Kinesis ZEPHRIN Speakers
I heard the Zephrins at the RMAF running on equipment I know very well.They are easy to drive and really spacious. They also play impressive bass (Duke has always led the pack in getting good bass out of his designs). He is also a master of crosso... 
Single driver speakers without the pitfalls?
Its pretty apparent that while single driver speakers do many things very well, that they do **all** things poorly. Put another way, if you want to get the best out of them, consider setting them up with a good subwoofer at the very least. Getting... 
Power blackouts - problem for tube amp & speakers
^^ next time that happens and you have to send the amp back, have the manufacturer fix it so you don't have to do that. That's nothing to do with high end audio and everything to do with poor design. 
Its simple: You can use a small power transformer that makes 20 volts to 'buck' the US AC line voltage down to 100volts (120V - 20 =100V).The transformer need only handle the current required which is not a lot. The result is that it would be so s... 
Power blackouts - problem for tube amp & speakers
I would see this as a bigger problem with a solid state amp, simply because when the power comes back on, it will be possible to thump on account of the preamp.Most tube amplifiers should take a power outage in stride with no worries- I know ours do! 
Help picking a tube preamp, please
Ralph, just so you know, on our preamp (Atma-Sphere) the steps are very close together at low volume settings for more control with high output digital sources.Regarding bass: with a patented direct coupled output the MP-1 is the king of the hill,... 
How do you know when to replace tubes
I would check with the manufacturer prior to replacing a 6550 with a KT150!If the filament considerations are tight on the power transformer, it could lead to failure. 
Tube Bias issue.
If the bias is fluctuating, it is likely due to noise in the circuit, if OK in triode mode.Its not likely to be influenced by speakers.If there is a bias control, it might be worth cleaning it with the contact cleaner as well, then working it back... 
If you can find a 100V unit, there is a simple method of making them work on 117V without an isolation/stepup transformer.That might open up your possibilities. 
Tube Preamp vs Solid State
There are many threads here on this subject. Generally speaking, many people have been quite happy with this. I recommend that you try it and see.