

Responses from atmasphere

Electrostatic speakers and low volume resolution
We do have customers that have had Martin Logans and our amps for extended periods- one guy still has the same speakers (CLS2s) and a set of MA-1s built in 1990. So you can use OTLs.Paul Speltz, who makes the ZEROs, has a letter from Steve McCormi... 
Describe ube sound vs solid state
^It works the same in both directions, and global feedback is not neccesarily a prerequisite.If the output impedance of the amp is low enough then feedback is not required. An example is the Ayre amplifier. An example of a tube amp that acts as a ... 
Electrostatic speakers and low volume resolution
^^It might be, but when you use the 4 ohm tap of most tube amplifiers, the output transformer often has a loss of bandwidth at both extremes and some are better than others. The ZEROs take care of that problem by allowing you to use a higher imped... 
Is my preamp useless?
have you heard all possible permutations/combinations of amp+preamps that exist in the world? If not, then it is simply YOUR view that actives are always better than passives. Folks have been very happy about TVC preamps, which are considered to b... 
Describe ube sound vs solid state
Atmasphere, In that most (all?) speakers draw power with varying impedances and those impedance changes will correspond with sensitivity changes (again we're talking about typical speakers here) unless the amp(s) can change power output appropriat... 
Advice on phono pre
Heck I promote my products all the time on this forum. But I get away with it for the simple reason that I am careful to also offer useful information and keep my mouth shut when I can't. I also happen to walk the talk that I give and I do feel th... 
Triplanar vii - upgrade tonearm and ic wiring
Triplanar makes both a 9" and 12" arm. 
Electrostatic speakers and low volume resolution
^^ No. I don't know of an output transformer that is designed to handle a 0.5 ohm load!Fortunately this impedance occurs at about 20KHz, so there is not a lot of energy involved. But if you are using a 4 ohm tap on the amp to drive the speaker, th... 
Is your tube amp really a tube amp?
There are no tube rectifiers that can handle filament currents.So if one is to use DC filaments the most often used technique is to use some sort of semiconductor. This is still considered a tube amp/tube preamp. In the old days (1950s) selenium r... 
Is my preamp useless?
^^ This post is incorrect, as the problem is not the control but the interconnect it drives, and of course the drive actually comes from the source- I explained this in my prior post.Why is it then, when you put different active preamps in a syste... 
Describe ube sound vs solid state
Actually global negative feedback cannot to that in an amp. What it can do is force the amp to put out *half* has much power into an impedance twice as high- and therefore satisfy the voltage drive model of 'typical speakers'. So add enough feedba... 
Electrostatic speakers and low volume resolution
You are quite welcome. Should I point out that tubes have a reputation of doing low level detail better than transistors? The more resolution you have (and ESLs have a lot) the easier it is to hear this.However since you have Martin Logans, in ord... 
Describe ube sound vs solid state
^ I got that and meant the same thing. "Typical speakers".Just because an amplifier does not double power into half the impedance does not mean it cannot drive such a speaker perfectly well, without frequency response variation. Doubling power is ... 
Is my preamp useless?
^^ The quick answer is here:http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?aamps&1426779273&openflup&16&4#16 (earlier in this thread).The longer answer is that mathematically, no passive control is going to work perfectly as intended if i... 
Best Preamp = No Preamp?
When Mercury Records recorded at Northrup Auditorium in Minneapolis, to do so they parked their recording truck behind the building and ran about 200 feet of cable from the mics to the recorders mounted in the truck.You can read about their truck ...