

Responses from atmasphere

Tri-Planar Vll "SE Upgrade"
@atmasphere the two discs you cut, are those available? IF I never hear the cannons again it will be toooooooooo soon....Some of the LPs we cut are on the Nero's Neptune label. The LP I use for reference was not mastered by us- that was done at th... 
The 'tube-transistor' enigma by MC carts?
@chakster Just so you know, 6Nines copper wire does not exist. The best anyone has done is 5Nines and that claim seems highly suspect! Another way to look at this is the wire might be extruded from 6Nines copper, but once extruded it won't be 6N a... 
MAC Autoformers?
@bifwynne I run into that too- we make OTLs as you know, but there are speakers out there that on paper would seem to be too difficult a load, but in practice work out just fine with our amps. So your experience does not surprise me in the least. ... 
Autoformer vs Speaker impedance Curve
@73max The amount of feedback is usually given in the spec sheet.Bubble still up, your having illusions, or didn’t do your homework.Really?? Your prior statement which I quoted suggested that you don't understand how feedback works. And here you a... 
MAC Autoformers?
So here is my question. What is happening electrically if there is an impedance mismatch? Is the amp producing distortion if there is an impedance deviation from 3000 ohms? If so, does having larger wattage and power supply capabilities amel... 
Mytek slams Hypex in Stereophile Amp Review
Not if there's a -50'-60' degree negative phase shift also at 3ohms, then the amp could be looking at nearer 1ohm.Not exactly how this works, but yes, large phase shifts mean high currents near zero volts. Hard for most amps. Would be nice if we... 
Tube Pre-Amp, vs Solid State with Tone Controls/EQ to take edge off the top end?
The brightness on top is distortion (trace amounts of higher ordered harmonics to which the ear is keenly sensitive). Tone controls won't fix it.Tube preamps make less of this distortion than solid state. For this reason a good tube preamp can ton... 
Autoformer vs Speaker impedance Curve
This statement ignores just how much loop feedback is needed to fully compensate for this sort of thing. We all know what too much feedback has the reputation to sound like.20 db is plenty. The problem area with feedback is **moderate amounts** ... 
Is there actually a difference?
“Longtime readers of The Audio Critic know the drill that comes at this point: I repeat, for the nth time, that all amplifiers having high input impedance, low output impedance, flat frequency response, low distortion, and low noise floor sound e... 
Autoformer vs Speaker impedance Curve
an Autoformer would work, because it’s one of the only speakers that presents a very benign 3-4 ohm impedance load.This statement ignores the fact that loop feedback compensates for this sort of thing.Atmasphere, regarding your link:1. In general ... 
Old Rek-O-Kut needs repairs but i cant find a proper manual any were.
Yes the motor I have takes time to get up to speed. Could that be caused by the age of the capacitor thats in line with it?Could be. I had a Rek-O-Kut back in the 1970s and it had that problem then. Never sorted out the issue. The capacitor is a '... 
Atma Sphere deserves praise
 looks like the dealer link on the website is not working...FYI RalphThanks- got it sorted! 
Pre amps cost vs. value ... what I discovered last month.
Wish I understood exactly how a pre-amp accomplishes this. Less phase shift and wider bandwidth. 
Old Rek-O-Kut needs repairs but i cant find a proper manual any were.
You can get the idler rebuilt by Russell Industries on the east coast.I don't know why, but every one of these I've seen has had a motor that takes a while to warm up before getting up to speed- about 5 minutes or so. The motor and platter bearing... 
How do autotransformers affect sound?
Okay. My understanding is that the output transformers in tube amps contributes to the difficulty they have driving speakers that have wild swings in impedance curves and phase (802D3).  Power/voltage paradigm stuff. Even though we make OTLs, t...