

Responses from atmasphere

Backert Labs Rhumba preamp
It also doesn't necessarily mean a balanced connection or a fully balanced design circuit (i.e MP-3) will give you lower noise or have any advantage over single ended design. Fully balance design circuit will also susceptible to hum problems to... 
What is needed to build a tube amp and what non?
But OTL has phase invertor like PP and signal goes between sholders and sound is close to PP.But I like my SE 2A3 RCA and my OTL 6AS7GE....Not all OTLs are built with a phase inverter. Ours aren't- the output of the voltage amplifier goes directl... 
Technics Turntables...really???
The bearings in the Triplanar may be the hardest available, however the VTA tower is a little "loose" dont you think.That surprised me so I just took a look. Even with the set screw on the side of the tower perfectly loose, there was no play. So, ... 
Wide dispersion + high efficiency + detail + coherence in a speaker?
sometimes you can even hear the horn honk coloration on voices...I know some horns don't have this..You are right- some horns don't have that at all. It all depends on how well the throat of the horn is designed; many don't have the benefit of com... 
Aesthetic preamp
 I’m using all balanced cables, except for the tape monitor, which I use for my subs.If I'm reading this right, are you saying that the tape output is controlled by the volume control? If not, then you would have to adjust the subs every time you ... 
What is needed to build a tube amp and what non?
but one bad side for OTL, OTL is close to PP.That is certainly open to debate. It all depends on execution. Without an output transformer, its much easer to build an amplifier that has no crossover issues whatsoever.  
Highest detail cartridges
In my system, cartridge anomalies, arm resonances, tube warmth, and similar often appear in my system as "bloom" at various frequencies that distorts instrumental timbre. Some listeners like that distortion and call it "musical" or other descr... 
Wide dispersion + high efficiency + detail + coherence in a speaker?
A budget has not been mentioned.One speaker that has solved similar desires I have in a speaker is the Classic Audio Loudspeaker. I have the model T-3.3. It is 98 db, 16 ohms, goes from 20Hz to 35KHz. The all important midrange is a beryllium diap... 
Ohm load for SET Amps
What sort of problems have you heard in those speakers and what sort of budget do you have? 
Do ClassDAudio Amps Have Proper Decay Of Notes?
NAD is apparently using the hybrid in the D 3020 but the Direct Digital approach in the D 7050.Despite the advertising on their website, their 'Direct Digital' approach has a considerable amount of analog circuitry- a lot has to do with definition... 
Have Passive Preamps Finally Come of Age?
Well, it seems to me the gain issue ( voltage ) has just be proven by kosst's last post, taken from Nelson Pass himself. Take care of the impedance issue, using buffers ( 0 gain ) and the source can drive most power amps quite well. Enjoy ! MrD... 
Ohm load for SET Amps
Halving the impedance doubles the current (amps) required. Tube amps are current "challenged" compared to SS amps.Therefore the higher the speaker impedance the easier it is for a tube amp to provide enough current. The 4 ohm tap allows the amp... 
Technics Turntables...really???
your criticism of Reed bearing can apply to the Kuzma 4 Point tonearm for the same reason? @chakster Yes. 
Ohm load for SET Amps
A 16 ohm tap means that ALL of the OPT's winding (on the output side) is in use. An 8 ohm tap means that 1/2 of the OPT's winding is in use. A 4 ohm tap means that 1/4 of the OPT's winding is in use. This directly affects damping (control) of t... 
Ohm load for SET Amps
Output transformers tend to become less efficient into lower impedance loads. This means that it will absorb a slight amount of power, but the other issue that is often more important is that bandwidth can suffer- by as much as an octave off the b...