

Responses from atmasphere

Frequency response + or - 1 dB ??
My question is simple. Why is it obviously technically difficult for speaker designers to provide precisely level frequency response. @kenjit. I accept some listeners want to adjust the sound for different recordings. Old fashioned tone control... 
Does SS phono preamp negate tube amp sound?
^^ Thanks :) 
Is it possible to have vinyl nearly noise free?
so the simple answer to the OP is Yes, but you have to spend your cash wisely. +1  That's it in a nutshell.  
Which 300b amplifier for Devore O/96
So I have to redo my list now and make sure I get at least 20-30W in my amps. The options are now limitless with PP tube amps. New List (as of now): Nagra 300p, Kondo Overture (used only, can't afford new), Shindo Haut-Brion (if I can find one).@e... 
Low Sensitivity Speakers Compression Issue.
Horn colouration and efficient drivers used used outside of their linear range because of low order xovers, are "not natural" in their "tone".A lot of horn systems use 2nd or 3rd order crossovers. My system uses 6dB slopes, but the compression dr... 
From tubes back to SS?
From my experience, all of the 6SN7 tubes I've tried had hiss. They do, but you probably just had bad luck. We use 6SN7s in everything we make and no worries playing them on high sensitivity loudspeakers. My speakers at home are 97.5dB 1 watt/1 m... 
Atmasphere, IMHO I do not think speed stability is an issue with most modern turntables. I think isolation is significantly more important along with mechanical stability under the conditions that most of these units operateGet a Sutherland Tim... 
Is it possible to have vinyl nearly noise free?
Atmasphere responded and explained that many phono stages use *active* negative feedback to reduce measurable distortion, but as the signal is recycled through the feedback loop, it lengthens the duration of the ticks and pops, making them loud... 
Can we finally put Reel to Reel out of its misery? Put it to rest people.
ATR Magnetics in York, PA is making tape in most formats- cassette, 7" 1/4" reel to reel, 10.5" in reels or pancakes, and also 1/2" and 1" for those with studio machines. Their tapes are made to match 456 Grand Master so no need with most reel to ... 
Low Sensitivity Speakers Compression Issue.
Yep, materials do not heat up instantly when power is dissipated. Tell that to owners of the Fairchild compressors like the model 670!! It uses a light bulb as part of its compression scheme. You already know how light the wire is in a voice coil.... 
Does SS phono preamp negate tube amp sound?
@phill55 Generally speaking, if you are wanting to mix tubes and solid state, the consensus is that you are better off with a tube preamp (including line section) and then a solid state preamp. If the front end of your system is imparting a colora... 
How far have ss amps really come in the last twenty years?
@jdl57  If your Sound Labs have the original toroid backpanel, there's a tweak you can do that makes the speakers a lot easier (and better sounding) to drive! Alternatively you could get the new "Toroidal 2" backpanel that pretty much does the sam... 
Zu Druid 6
The Whammerdyne amps use 2A3s don't they? In most rooms that won't be enough power. Nice sounding amp though. The Druids are about the same efficiency as my speakers, and I have a smaller listening area, in which 45 Watts/channel is barely enough. 
Quad Balanced Pre-Amp
'quad-balanced' appears to be a marketing term for their DACs.Odd that its a balanced preamp and doesn't have balanced inputs for the phono, since phono cartridges are balanced sources.  
Help with Electron Kinetics Eagle 400 amps. Schematic please.
They can be tricky to fix! I repaired one about 25 years ago (but after the designer disappeared) and even then schematics were almost impossible.You're simply going to have to test every semiconductor in the amp (and if need be, out of circuit) i...