

Responses from atmasphere

Time to buy a class D amp?
My theory is that the very high damping factors unique to class D amps was truncating the decay times of the bass notes.IMO it is possible to overdamp loudspeakers and thus truncate the bass notes, ending up with a coloration called 'tight bass'.... 
Reference Full Function Tube Preamplifier
If you are running balanced lines, its a good idea to find out if the preamp you have in mind supports the balanced line standard, also known as AES48. The reason for this is simple: in any high end system a lot of attention is paid to interconnec... 
Preamp Output Capacitor: Mundorf Supreme vs. Supreme Silver Oil
In my pre, with a pretty large cap (2uf) right on the output, going to the vcaps was like turning on a fluoresce light.Did you give them adequate time to break in? We've got plenty of feedback that says that takes a while. On paper, Teflon has the... 
Cartridge loading
lower R presents obviously more breaking force, opposing the stylus movement. This is the electromagnetic induction law in action: the current (flowing through R) creates the magnetic field that opposes the stylus movement. This force behaves ... 
Preamp Output Capacitor: Mundorf Supreme vs. Supreme Silver Oil
they're more tonally similar than different (whereas V-Cap TFTFs and Mundorfs will definitely both shift the tone in different directions).  We've used the V-Caps a lot and never run into anything like that FWIW.  
Adjusting tube bias...
@krelldreamsA set of bias test points so you can plug in a more accurate meter might be a simple solution.  
Time to buy a class D amp?
Have you made a decision yet on whether you’ll be offering free limited in-home trial periods for auditioning?We're not nearly that far along!With regards to GaN performance, they can be variable depending on who made them and their intended appli... 
Reference Full Function Tube Preamplifier
So two box units are off the table?A good number of the best preamps out there run an outboard power supply.  
Watts and power
Most tube amps don't have "guts" in the bass due to low damping factor. You may prefer that or you may not and that will be room / speaker dependent. Bandwidth also plays a role, as well as the match between the amp and speaker. You can have an ... 
Cartridge loading
I have no doubt that an unstable phono will have problems with spurious HF info but I do not see the cartridge ever generating anything in the megahertz realm to excite this. I do not see anyone debating that a loaded MC cartridge will stiffen i... 
Which belt-driven table to play Rock vinyl?
We make a great belt drive turntable, the Atma-Sphere 208, but I'll be the first to tell you that the Technics SL1200G is a better machine. It comes with its own arm which is pretty good but it totally justifies any top end tonearm. I like to use ... 
Cartridge loading
I for one would love to see documentation of the ability of a cartridge to generate a 1MHz signal to excite this resonance.Quite simply it does not need to! Audio energy can cause the excitation. A resonant circuit can be driven into excitation wi... 
Cartridge loading
What I am interested in is the underlying explanation why a cartridge doing more work will necessarily have this "limited ability to trace higher frequencies"It will be stiffer, less compliant.  
Phonostage/preamp recommendations. Parasound JC3 Jr.?
2. The MC section of the pre amp has 50db gain or 60db. I'm having trouble finding a balance. Recommendation from dynavector is 50db with 1000h ohmz load. So that's where I started. It seemed fine. And playing with the knob up or down didn't im... 
Installed bulk foil resistors in phono amp
It won’t attenuate the signal at all. Its not a matter of input resistance as it is input capacitance. This is also known as ’Miller effect’. The input stopping resistor does two things- it attenuates RFI by acting as a simple high frequency filte...