

Responses from atmasphere

Why are my woofers pumping?
The Atlas isn't harsh! Probably their preamps weren't set up properly! 
Unsolvable Woofer Pumping (Phono only)
I would expect woofer issues if you use the loudness function!The more you turn down the loudness, the more it boosts the bass. It does not roll out until you are halfway across the dial on most volume controls.I prefer not having the loudness on;... 
Passive Pre-Amp into Integrated Amp to Prevent Clipping?
The spec’ed input sensitivity is 500 mVrms. Given that I had clipping issues with the old active speakers, which had a sensitivity of 750 mVrms, I assume that my clipping issues would get worse if I go DAC -> Yamaha? I doubt it.Apparently th... 
Diving into the world of tubes...help needed!
Some advocates of integrated amplifiers would say the signal path is shorter/simpler and that the preamplifier and power amplifier sections are ideally suited to each other (And an interconnect and power cable are eliminated). There are very re... 
Diving into the world of tubes...help needed!
The nice thing about separates is that you can often place your amps near the speakers, keeping your speaker cables short. Tube amps are more sensitive to speaker cables; keeping them short helps out with resolution. If you decide you want more po... 
Mmmm Crow tastes good...
A. Apartment living. Though I live in the ground floor I’m sure my upstairs neighbor is getting it.I suspect that killing the standing waves will also prevent them from being obvious in other's living spaces. A distributed bass array is certainly ... 
Used Tube Preamp Suggestions
Yes- zombie thread out to eat your brains! 
Used Tube Preamp Suggestions
You might be able to find a used line stage only version of the UV-1 in that price range. http://www.atma-sphere.com/Products/#UV-1Disclaimer: I'm a manufacturer. But since used equipment is specified by the OP this should be OK under forum rules.  
Would switching amps make a big difference?
First i ordered a pair of the Zero Autoformers.Just put them in a few days ago and the results were HUGE with my tube amps. The trick with getting the highs right is something called gain bandwidth product. With most amps this is pretty poor. This... 
Congratulations Atmasphere!
Am I correct this technology translates only to power amp function, and would NOT translate to a preamp line stage?No. It could be applied to a preamp, even a phono section.  
Bloom air around instruments
Bandwidth is important in the electronics, as poor bandwidth results in phase shift.To prevent phase shift in the audible region of 20Hz to 20KHz you need bandwidth from 2Hz to 200KHz.  
Transformer coupled vs Capacitor coupled?
I can’t believe there’s no coupling cap/s somewhere between input and output somewhere. But then it’s a shame if the rest of the system is not true direct coupled also? The problem with direct coupling from input to output is that the circuit goes... 
Congratulations Atmasphere!
Without tubes, will it be possible to produce a low-to-mid power amplifier at a price somewhat competitive with other fairly advanced class D amps ? Below TOTL pricing ?We think so.  
turntable hum
You might look for a screw on the motor's housing you couldattach a spade lug to. I did- at least on the unit I serviced there was no convenient screw. So I soldered it instead.  
What does an impedance-matching issue "sound" like?
Interesting diagram, and that means I’m out of my experience level. I’ve never seen an amp "bridgeable" like this before, but the high output impedance of the transformer probably makes it less frightening than a SS amp with feedback coupled outpu...