

Responses from atmasphere

Amp suggestion for my Audio Note Es
Audio Note speakers are very tube friendly of course so you have many options. We have a good number of customers using them. Although they are easy to drive due to mild phase angles and fairly efficient drivers, they do like a bit of power- 60 wa... 
Preamps with Dual XLR Outputs
am not sure if a tube preamp would work well with the Yamaha NS 5000 speaker. I am also not sure if I would get the benefit of super low noise floor of the Benchmark AHB2 with a tube preamp. @yyzsantabarbara  A good tube preamp had better not b... 
Preamps with Dual XLR Outputs
@yyzsantabarbara The Atma-Sphere MP-3 and MP-1 both have dual balanced outputs and no worries driving low impedances. FWIW Atma-Sphere made the first balanced line preamps anywhere way back in 1989.A tip: If your preamps supports the balanced line... 
Resistors vs.peltz Autoformer- Differences
I was just curious as to the differences between the two methods with regards to how it affects an amps performance, as well as the resulting sound performance of a speaker.Does this make sense? I'm probably using the wrong words but hopefully ... 
MC cartridge loading: still baffled
Back to the loading question:  is the proper loading more a function of the phono pre or the cartridge itself?Ayre made their recommendation to you on account of the fact that they did the proper homework in their design of their phono section. Th... 
Resistors vs.peltz Autoformer- Differences
My main concern is: what is the difference between adding a resistor to a speaker vs. the Speltz autoformer? @gdnrbob   In your case would the resistor be placed in parallel (across the speaker or amplifier terminals)? If yes, then obviously the r... 
HELP with an intermittent static fuzz noise in right channel! Is this bad tube?
Sounds like a tube gone noisy to me. Based on your description (volume at zero), a driver or voltage amplifier tube (not an output, but that is possible too) in the power amp section. 
The Arm/Cartridge Matching Myth
Halcro is off on his own planet somewhere where the laws of physics are strangely different. I suggest we all ignore him from now on. On this planet he makes no sense.Agreed! This entire topic is ridiculous. I've reported this thread as trolling... 
Resistors vs.peltz Autoformer- Differences
In the context of this thread, George's comments don't add up. I have to assume that he didn't read everything here including the link.The use of paralleled resistors by ZU has nothing to do with the speaker being overdamped. Its has to do with th... 
Benchmark ABH2 amp and full range electrostatics, e.g. CLX or Soundlab
This is the problem you are up against.Most ESLs have an impedance that ranges from whatever peak they have in the bass to about 1/9th to 1/10th of that at 20KHz. Now imagine a well built solid state amp that can double power as impedance is halve... 
The Arm/Cartridge Matching Myth
Being an amplifier designer and manufacturer.....you would have all the electronic gear available to show us exactly how a cartridge's Frequency Response Plot changes with Arm/Cartridge Resonant Frequency?Here's your chance to put me out of my m... 
Classic Audio T1 and T3 field coil loudspeakers
The Hartsfield is very nice but lacks the bottom octave that you have with the T3 and T1, although the Classic Audio Loudspeakers version of the Hartsfield its making considerably deeper and better bass than the originals! Its the usual trade- mor... 
class d or t chip amps
Most full range driver loudspeakers are meant to be driven by an amplifier with a fairly high output impedance. Running it with an amplifier with a low output impedance (and all class D amps have a low output impedance) will result in a tonal anom... 
Sonic effect of balance/bias setting of output tubes for tubed amplifiers.
The short answer is 'Yes.' The long answer is a lot longer but arrives at the same place :)  Bias affects distortion, not power and for almost any amplifier there is an ideal bias setting for which the amp will produce the least distortion; depend... 
When do the new Atmasphere Class D come out?
@gdnrbob  Didn't we get that preamp back here for observation? I seem to recall that we did. If so, we might have to get the amp and preamp here at the same time. FWIW the McCormack stuff we've seen here so far has been very competent so I've no r...