

Responses from atmasphere

What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load
@noble100 Yes, Bruno has been able to design class D amps with loop gain north of 75dB!!He did acknowledge to us that there was a typo in one of his papers when we pointed out a math error regarding the oscillation criteria. It was not an error in... 
Damping Factor - Interesting article
How does damping factor apply to a zero feedback amp like an ayre .Generally speaking, the output impedance of a solid state amplifier can be so low with respect to most speakers that it can behave as a voltage source, even if it has no feedback. ... 
Suggestions on Integrated Amp./Seperates to Run my Klipschorns
As others have pointed out you don’t need a lot of power but you do want clean power. The design of the speaker is such that many solid state amps will sound brighter and harsher than normal (this is part of why horns got a bad name; nothing to do... 
Damping Factor - Interesting article
Every amplifier has some feedback. Even emitter resistor is a form of local feedback. The problem with global feedback is, that it corrects with a delay (phase shift from input to output). This delay produces overshoot in time domain (odd ha... 
Damping Factor - Interesting article
This is too simplistic a view, and I was thinking specifically just related to the basic output stage which does typically behave much like a voltage source, and is usually configured as a voltage follower, and with a light load (lighter than a... 
Damping Factor - Interesting article
Another dimension of DF not often discussed is having high DF, and high current through the treble. While conventional speakers tend to have their low points in the mid-bass, where most amps have the highest DF, ESL's are essentially capacitor... 
Tube Preamp with Solid State Amp?
I'm also searching but I also need XLR inputs on a tubed line stage/preamp as my Nagra MPA has only XLR's.Atma-Sphere, BAT, Aesthetix... 
Preamp and impedance question
thats good news that I can just add the volume pots. =)If the amp is a stereo amp, then a balance control is a really good idea. If they are monoblocks and each has its own volume, you have to manually adjust the volume for each channel- that gets... 
Thoughts about buying a Bedini 100
The electronics rework sounds simple for a competant tech - but should it cost around $500?Given what I've experienced doing exactly this, that doesn't sound that far off. 
Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps?
which of your Atma-sphere amps would you recommend to compete with the Berning at this level and what would be MSRP on that amp.  @tBy your request, The M-60, base price is about 7700/pair, but I would have them fully optioned at which point they... 
Damping Factor - Interesting article
Let's assume for a moment that wire is perfect. The only problem with that is wire isn't, so the math can't be realized. The example of the constant power amplifier as a tube-amplifier with transformer taps, is in my mind no different from the vo... 
Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps?
@shkong78Just to be clear, the Berning is not an OTL. 'OTL' is an acronym for 'Output TransfomerLess'; thus refers to an amplifier with neither output transformers or solid state devices in the output section and the Berning has both (see the pate... 
Golden Tube Audio SE-40
I bought one for $300 about 15 years ago and gave it to a friend. That seemed a pretty good deal at the time.  
Thoughts about buying a Bedini 100
The Bedini is a fairly simple amp- so if it works at all, then the main filter caps and the filter caps on the circuit boards should be replaced. That should take care of it if the amp is otherwise in good shape. This isn't that crazy hard to do. ... 
Do single output device per phase amplifiers like GamuT and Gato have technical merit
This is all about distortion and not really about anything else; the argument being that single devices wwon't make as much distortion since there aren't multiple devices where some can hog current (and thus saturate more easily).Multiple devices ...