

Responses from atmasphere

Receiver recently repaired - Now producing fuzzy distortion in higher frequencies??
I suspect that the bias diodes used to give thermal feedback from the heatsinks are shorted. This will cause the amp to sound exactly as described. It causes the amp to have extreme crossover distortion. I would take it back to the service shop an... 
Class D Technology
@noble100 OK- I just wanted to be clear on what was meant by 'switching distortion' since that's not an engineering term at all!Artifacts from dead time show up as harmonic and intermodulation distortions, so a class D amplifier can easily be comp... 
Hi end tube preamps, it’s all about functionality!!
Hi end tube preamps, it’s all about functionality!!This statement is false; this thread is based on a false assumption. Maybe we can disabuse that. In high end audio, the goal is getting the music to sound real. Many preamps have that as a goal. C... 
Audio Research Amplifier Balanced Input Question
The Reference 110 is very unhappy with a single-ended source! Essentially its input circuit has a very poor Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR); another way of putting that is that it will have high distortion and low gain if operated by a single-e... 
Resistive loading
The lower the impedance of the load the less highs you will hear. But its important to keep in mind that its not so much for the cartridge as it is for the preamp. The cartridge and phono cable form a tuned radio frequency circuit which can be tri... 
What is the best audiophile speaker for a tiny square room?
How does class A fit into the sound quality equation for AS amps? Some people say for tubes, class A doesn't make that much difference- the way it does in SS amps. What do you think?Class A in a push-pull amp is nice because it helps reduce dist... 
What is the best audiophile speaker for a tiny square room?
You're going to be hard pressed to beat the Soundlabs. Are you sure you shouldn't be looking for cool-running non-class D amps instead?I’ll have to object to your blanket assertion. Class D goes swell with MY ESL’s. Better than the last three AB’... 
So you have a great hi end stereo preamp, but
you can’t funnel any sound from your ht system thru this magical box.Uh, sure you can. With ****any**** preamp. 
Which tubes are the best?
JJs are available from CE Distribution cedist.com 
Class D Technology
@timlub What is the 'switching distortion' to which you refer? Obviously No Switching distortion.  
Sound identical: obviously that's a bad joke coming from a rookie. Is it still a good joke if you're not? Raul, I cut my own LPs; as you know I have the LP mastering system as well as a variety of tape machines. You can try to write that stuff off... 
The PCB motor might - Tech which might actually make it to us
Apart from saving copper and iron, the IEm stator is about 90 percent lighter than that on a regular electric motor with the same power specifications. It is also 15 percent cheaper. If these advantages were not enough, it also does not have co... 
Is the ideal multi-way a 3-way with limited bass?
There's something to be said for huge woofers and not making them dig too deep would be easier to driveI certainly don't find this to be the case! My speakers are 98dB, 16 ohms and are flat at 20Hz owing to dual 15" TAD woofers.   
Which tubes are the best?
JJ KT-88s are quite nice and hold up well too. They make some upscale versions like the 'blue glass' that seem to be worth the slight extra dollars. The Chinese make a very nice 12AU7. I avoid 12AX7s in my designs so I can't comment about that one... 
You are whom posted what I stated in the OP:""" " This is the one thing about the Triplanar that I don't like. I never use the damping trough...... I imagine someone might have a use for it; I removed the troughs on my Triplanars; its nice to...