Responses from atmasphere
Just purchased a pair of Atma Sphere M-60 Mk 3's upgraded to 3.3's I would certainly unplug the subwoofer and see what happens :) | |
High gain preamps [30db +] Do you mean in the line section of the preamp? | |
Balanced xlr interconnects for ARC Ref 6se Might a xlr between amp and preamp solve group loop problem?Its supposed to, but ARC does not support the balanced line standard which is there to prevent ground loop noise amoungst other things. Its worth a try though! | |
Just purchased a pair of Atma Sphere M-60 Mk 3's upgraded to 3.3's Hm. When we had the McCormicks here the system was pretty quiet after we worked on them. If you move the preamp, does that affect anything? If there is a big power transformer nearby, that can sometimes cause it to make noise. | |
Is the ideal multi-way a 3-way with limited bass? I've been advocating something like this for a while, since really there isn't much point to making a speaker go down to 20Hz since standing waves 'stand' a good chance of causing the bass to not be right at the listening chair. A Distributed Bass... | |
Just purchased a pair of Atma Sphere M-60 Mk 3's upgraded to 3.3's I tried the UV-1 with the McC Micro's but got horrible buzz. I even sent it to Ralph to sort out. He did improve it, but the buzz was too annoying. Some of my employees really don't want to do single-ended stuff since grounding in high end audio... | |
Balanced xlr interconnects for ARC Ref 6se Use balanced connections whenever you can- this will allow for lower distortion. | |
More power for moderate listening levels? My assumption is that the bigger Pass integrated would clean up the sound at higher decibels and would be a measure of protection against speaker damage if one of my family members decided to crank it when I'm not around. It will help. But keep... | |
More power for moderate listening levels? how does one assign a nominal single value in ohms to describe the impedance of this speaker?Everyone does it different I imagine. 'Nominally' this looks like an 8 ohm speaker- if so that throws off my efficiency calculation by about 1.5dB. The im... | |
TONEARM DAMPING : DAMPED OR NOT ? ? USELESS ? ? WELCOMED ? ? @rauliruegas I quoted the two statements that were in contradiction to each other. I don't need to do it again. I asked about them to see if that is what you meant to say. From your rather acerbic response, apparently you did. In a court of law, a... | |
Upgrading Quicksilver preamp or amp caps -- warranty impact? If you work on the amp changing caps, if its not done at the factory you void the warranty plain and simple. To get around this problem we offer coupling cap options. We use the copper foil V-Caps as they are some of the most neutral made, and hav... | |
More power for moderate listening levels? @brianbiehsIf I got this right and the Harbeth is 6 ohms and 86 dB, its actual efficiency is around 84dB. That isn't quite criminally low efficiency, but it is quite low and in most rooms you're going to need about 600 watts to make it play. This ... | |
Best Amp and Pre-amp with silver transformers and silver wiring Silver is nice (we've built our amps and preamps on a custom basis with silver wire) but really all that's happening is that it seems to break-in faster than copper. If the copper is properly treated so that is does not corrode, its a better condu... | |
TONEARM DAMPING : DAMPED OR NOT ? ? USELESS ? ? WELCOMED ? ? I think he means "abilities" but whatever. Yes- either way the meaning is not significantly changed. | |
Chasing down the problem If you are referring to those toggle switches on the front panel, yes, they are very capable of doing that. It is possible to clean them a bit, by putting the preamp on its rear panel and spraying a bit of Deoxit in the green and black can directl... |