
Responses from atdavid

What is wrong with audiophiles?
thyname, Cleeds, Thank you for proving the point I was making above perfectly.  You are already making excuses. 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
Baring any comprehension issues that caused you to post what you did below, which in fact No One Said, your post is nothing but a dog-whistling straw-man.Anyone can claim anything. Ya, some people will get bent up in a knot, but most don't care. W... 
Are most recordings so bad it's not worth spending large on speakers?
cleeds,So school me  (instead of childishly trolling me). Spell out for me, in any level of detail you choose, the impacts on phase and frequency response of a competently designed audio signal chain versus the impact on phase and frequency respon... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
You are still misunderstanding. Whether one person, or a hundred people makes a claim, they are still individuals making a claim, and it is their specific claim that is being refuted.I could design a perfect experiment to test some "tweak X" in ge... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
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Are most recordings so bad it's not worth spending large on speakers?
Most amplifiers are so flat as to say they are perfectly flat unless intended to not be. Digital sources are perfectly flat. Most analog sources strive for this. We can't change the recording, so we are stuck with that. Amplitude then is completel... 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
+100,Not to mention most of the music they listen to isn't even recorded in a fashion that a single listener would hear. 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
prof and I are not confused, seem knowledgeable on the topic, and seem to write pretty much exactly the same thing (and both seem to have the same issue with the forum eating paragraph spacing). All that needs to be tested "Is The Claim", and almo... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
Autism is "developmental disorder", which IS a class of "mental disorder" under classification of DSM-V. It is not, however, considered a mental illness. cleeds2,543 posts11-12-2019 11:40am Autism is not a "mental disorder." It is a developmental... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
+100 prof2,231 posts11-12-2019 12:01pmAnd audiophile often make testable claims about both. They just don’t bother testing it ;-) 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
Disagree all you want, but you keep saying, "the science", which is a call to authority by the way, so pot meet kettle, but you can’t even frame the question properly, so quoting science, without actually understanding it is quite frankly of not o... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
Wrong Cleeds, And this is why you keep making the same wrong assertions over and over. We are testing the listener. The listener makes very specific claims about their ability to do something, or the seller makes specific claims about others abili... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
Really now Cleeds .... So you have studied audio/acoustic sciences, and the science of how to apply objective methods to subjective testing? I have. My assertion about proving or disproving a test was 100% bang on. When a subject makes a highly sp... 
Highly efficient speakers to pair with my SET amp
11 year old post folks ..... 
Are most recordings so bad it's not worth spending large on speakers?
The first rule of Morrison Audio is you never talk about Morrison Audio! ...  :-)I must say, he has rather strong opinions on audio, I would wholly agree with some, not at all with others.  He has a single minded obsession to recreate a live perfo...