
Responses from atdavid

Sound proofing panels and other equipment - What is the best out there right now
The way you are describing it sounds sufficient for this installation. It does not need to be perfect, just good enough, and more than good enough to still enjoy the experience.folkfreak1,332 posts11-12-2019 2:04amRegarding suppression -- my syst... 
Vinyl / Digital / and can you have too much information.
1) Streaming online then eliminates all your arguments.2) Two old guys who know infinitely more about error correction codes than you, a bunch of guys who know far more about optics, and sensing created a system, that has 25% of the data for error... 
Vinyl / Digital / and can you have too much information.
I don't use CDs, and any music I listen to that came from CDs are bit perfect extractions as can be proven from the error codes, or more specifically the lack of them when the ripping process was done.That would be 1, 2 and 3 strikes .... you're out. 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
Are you sure it is your first language? I expect just about anyone who reads it will understand what I mean with more than enough clarity for it to be useful. As I used the word liked, correctly for my intended purposes, I was clearly stating that... 
Bi Wiring mandated on Triangle Comete ES?
You can start off with almost any wire you have of reasonable thickness that will fit with the cables just to get those speakers up and running. After that, you can try higher end jumpers, but make sure anything you buy comes with a money back gua... 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
geoffkait,Dyslexia?  I am trying to give you an out here. Work with me.  You basically said exactly what I said, with a lot more words, then said I didn't say that. Did the word "liked" give you trouble? English is not my first language so I may n... 
Vinyl / Digital / and can you have too much information.
Millercarbon,I will simply put your reply down to not understanding my post; not understanding that "perhaps" means I was not stating a fact; not understanding that even that rose is made up of pieces; not understanding that every time you play a ... 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
I would appreciate that!   I am in the early stages of something much simpler, making my in-laws happy in their downsizing space. I was looking at surplus vault doors, simply for the mass and mechanism. The picture would answer some questions abou... 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
Pot meet kettle.  Your post is about the most ridiculous take I could have ever imagined anyone would take on what I posted. Honestly, I could never have imagined it. I will put it down as a desperate need for validation and attention. Keep doing ... 
Bi Wiring mandated on Triangle Comete ES?
I hate to ask a dumb question, but you did connect jumpers between the top and bottom? 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
Oh come on, it is quite obvious what is wrong with Porschephiles ... Ferrari envy ;-) 
How much do you need to spend to get digital to rival analog?
rauliruegas,The problem with your statement is it takes a simplistic approach to "information". I won’t disagree with you that digital, especially high resolution digital contains within it more raw information, but let’s look at a really simple e... 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
I haven't heard any "best" system, but I have heard a lot of very good systems. They all had qualities I liked, but where one excelled in one area, others excelled in other areas.When I am on my death bed, though, there is one thing I am absolutel... 
Dreaming of a DIY 8W Class A amp designed by Nelson Pass?
lak,One thing I should have mentioned, is, if you plan to build a kit then learn to tweak it, then this is probably not the best kit to do that with. This is a very basic amplifier circuit. It has low distortion at very low power, but as soon as t... 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
fleschler,We had started to briefly talk about doors for sound-proofed rooms on another thread. It was identified as a difficult point. Can you detail a little bit more about your doors?  Are they off the shelf or custom manufactured?   How is the...